
Italy's Ultranationalism

By Lylen
  • Italy's Unification 1859-1870

    Italy's Unification 1859-1870
    The movement to unite Italy into one cultural and political entity. To accomplish the unification it was sought out to unite all Italian athnicity within a natural boarder using the policy called irredentism. Narionalist who were disposed to become Italian were animated.
  • Mussolini comes to Power

    Mussolini comes to Power
    After comming into power Musslini prepared an uprising in order to take over the government. As a result to Mussolinis threat the prime minister and the gov. resigned. Mussolini was then asked to form a government in October of 1922.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    With Italy's involvemnet in WW1, Italty attended the Paris Peace Conference. Italy was promised land and territories under foreign rule. Italy was acquired some of the new land it had claimed, although not all.
  • National Fascist Party 1922-1943

    National Fascist Party 1922-1943
    After becoming the dictator of Italy, Mussalini with the belief of the glorification of Italy and no interest in a democracy he created the Nationl Fascist Party.
  • Acerbo Law Passed

    Acerbo Law Passed
    After the march on Rome he was in a weak position, therefor this law was passed to creat a voting system which would allow Mussolini's fascist party a clear majority of votes.
  • Sighning of Lateran Treaty

    Sighning of Lateran Treaty
    Italy was then under a Fascist government, but the succeeding democratic governments had all upheld the treaty. In 1947, the Lateran Pacts were integrated into the democratic Constitution of Italy.
  • Italy Invades Abyssinia, Africa

    Italy Invades Abyssinia, Africa
    In September, the League tried to arbitrate. It was suggested that Italy get some land in Abyssinia. Instead, in October 1935, Italy’s army invaded, using chemical weapons against soldiers and civilians.
  • Pact of Steel

    Pact of Steel
    Pact of Friendship and Alliance between Germany and Italy, was originally intended to be a tripartite military alliance between Japan, Italy, and Germany. However, Japan wanted the focus of the pact to be aimed at the potential adversary Russia, while Italy and Germany wanted it aimed at Britain and France. The pact was then signed without Japan.
  • Italy allied with Natzi-Germany

    Italy allied with Natzi-Germany
    Even though the Legue of Nations disapproval Mussalini was audacious and allied Italy with Germnay. Italy then entered WWII IN 1940. Because of humiliated defeats The King replaces Mussalina as prime minister. Italy then switches sides and joins The Allies.