Italian cooking 1728945

Italy's Ultranationalism

  • Unification Of Italy: (1859-1870)

    Unification Of Italy: (1859-1870)
    Italians shared much the same culture, and they felt that they should unite all Italian ethnicity through a policy known as irredentism.
  • World War 1 Aftermath: (1914-1918)

    World War 1 Aftermath: (1914-1918)
    After World War 1, Italy was spending more than it was making, therfore running a deficit. As the worldwide depression hit Italy, the economy became so bad that the people were so poor that they were desperate for someone to lead them and tell them what to do. This was the begginging of a Facist Leaer.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    In the begginging of WW1 Italy was aligned with Germany. But after seeing that the other side was going to win Italy changed sides, hoping that they would be able to get something out of it. Italy felt like they didn't get as much territory for their efforts as they deserved. They felt the territorial gains promised by France and Britain to convince them to join were empty and broken promises. This gave rise to nationalistic feeling.
  • A Shift In Power: Mussolini (1922-1943)

    A Shift In Power: Mussolini (1922-1943)
    Benito Mussolini first came to scene as a newpaper publisher.
    After the deaths and chaos of WW1, Italy was in disorganization politically and economially. Some people were leaning towards democracy and others were leading towards communism. Benito Mussolini came along at the right time to pitch his idea that he could restore Italy.
  • Establishment Of Facism: (1922-1943)

    Establishment Of Facism: (1922-1943)
    Fascism started in Italy over disagreement on wether to intervene in World War One. Those that wanted to join the war became the facist movement to oppose the socialists that wanted to stay out of it.
  • New Form Of Governement

    New Form Of Governement
    Benito Mussolini ran a facist government in the form of totalitarianism. As ultranationalistic feelings began to form, Mussolini orchestrated the capture of Greek Islands. With time, new laws were adopted. The Fasci abolished independent political parties and trade unions. He brought almost everything under control by the government and a one party that got rid of opposition.
  • Invasion Of Ethiopia

    Invasion Of Ethiopia
    With the growing economic power. Mussolini planned an invasion as he desired a second Roman Empire. He wanted to create a greater Italian Empire. The invasion of Ethiopia made Mussolini power hungry and he felt at the peak of his power. The Italian invasion of Ethiopia showed the failure of the League of Nations to maintain peace in Europe.
  • Beggining of World War 2

    Beggining of World War 2
    Second World War was facism in Italy. Italy was alligned with Nazi Germany. Hitler and Mussolini were both war vets angry at the direction their country was going in and took over. They wanted a stronger country, so they decided to ally with each other due to mutual respect and mutual gains.