
Italy avery

  • Italy unification

    Italy unification
    This was when the Italian country was seperated and ruled by other rulers.
  • Thinking of nationalism

    Thinking of nationalism
    All of the Italians were wanting a ruler that had the same language as them, the same customs of them, and the same beliefs as them.
  • fighting for nationalism

    fighting for nationalism
    Italians are going to fight for there country and doing what is right, to give there country Itay rulers from there country.
  • prime minister

    prime minister
    Count Camillo di Cavour become prime minister of Sardinia, not wanting Italy nationalistic.
  • won the war

    won the war
    Italy won and is now etting to be its own country, ruled by one Italian.
  • Doing whats right

    Doing whats right
    Garibaldi doing what is right just for his country. He won the battle for Italy and is now letting a different person be king.