
Changes in Italy between 1919 and 1939

  • Paris Peace Conference 1919

    Paris Peace Conference 1919
    The Paris Peace Conference was held after WW1 to set up the peace terms for Germany and some other nations. There were several other treaties that were created, including the Treaty of Versailles. Italy was given Trentino, Trieste, Tyrol, and Istria through the treaties.
  • Elections of 1919

    Elections of 1919
    The general Federation of Labor started encouraging more socialist strikes. This result was due to the fact that the Socialist Party won 1/3 of all the votes and the Catholic Popular Party won 1/5 of all votes.
  • General Strike 1920

    General Strike 1920
    Over 600,000 workers rebelled and went on strike. They took over factories and took control over many towns in Northern Italy. This happened again in 1922 when the communists and socialists declared another general strike. However, they were easily stopped by fascists and the government troops.
  • Treaty of Rapallo 1920

    Treaty of Rapallo 1920
    The Treaty of Rapallo was a treaty between Italy and Yugoslavia. This treaty was created because the city of Fiume became a free city under the League of Nations. Italy gained some land and influence in Dalmatia.
  • March on Rome 1922

    March on Rome 1922
    Benito Mussolini's National Fascist Party marched to Rome with hopes of being able to have the power to rule over Italy. When Mussolini arrived, king Victor Emmanuel III gave the kingdom to Mussolini.
  • Corfu Incident 1923

    Corfu Incident 1923
    Enrico Tellini was the chairman of the commission that had been watching the boundary line between Greece and Albania. He was murdered, as well as a few of his assistants on Greek land. Italy became furious and sent an ultimatum demanding 50 million lire in reparations and for the execution of Itay's men. Greece failed to provide what Italy was requiring so Italy invaded Corfu but ended up killing 15 civilians.
  • Labor Charter 1927

    Labor Charter 1927
    The Labor Charter expressed the ideas of the Fascist Corporate state. The charter claimed it could combine both employees and employers into one confederation. All employers could not lock out the workers and employees could not go on strike.
  • The Lateran Treaty 1929

    The Lateran Treaty 1929
    The Lateran Treaty was between Italy and the Holy See. Three agreements were made. First, full sovereignty of the Holy See in the Vatican City was established. Second, a concordat was created to regulate the Catholic Church and religion in Italy. Third, a financial convention agreed on as a definitive settlement of the claims of the Holy See following its losses of its territories and property.
  • Battle of Wheat 1925-1935

    Battle of Wheat 1925-1935
    As a ruler, Mussolini decided that Italy needed to become more self-sufficient. He thought that having a higher production of wheat would achieve his goal. By 1935, Italy had a reduction of imports by 75%, which in Mussolini's eyes was so close to self-sufficiency. This was the motivation of all farmers in this battle.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis 1936

    Rome-Berlin Axis 1936
    Italy's foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano formed a coalition between Italy and Germany. This later became known as the Axis powers when Japan joined the coalition.