Vienna Settlement
Italian arrangements were aimed at restoring and strengthening the pre-French balance. Such as the following factors:
1- Austria received Lombardy and Venetia
2-Habsburg rulers restored in Tuscany and Modena
3- Bourbon ruler resorted to kingdom of Naples
4- Papal states restored. Catholic Church throughout Italy was a reactionary force -
"Young Italy" funded by Mazzini
By 1835 it had 60,000 members and its unsuccessful revolt in Naples in 1844 gave the nationalist cause its martyrs (secret society). -
Revolutions throughout Italy
Revolutions FAILED because of three reasons. The first reason is the lack of communication, the second one is the impropriate use of secret societies and the third one is indecisive use of who should rule. The idea of unifying Italy had not been forgotten. -
Crimean War
Piedmont entered on Anglo-French side in 1855 Pact of Plombiéres between Napoleon III and Cavour. Napoleon III agreed to join Piedmont in a war against Austria provided that the latter was provoked into declaring war. Territorial agreement to share out lands in northern Italy. -
Truce of Villa Franca
Napoleon was ready to accept a compromise on the Plombiéres arrangement on Austrian lands in northern Italy.
Piedmonts invasion on the Papal States was taking place. -
Austro-Prussian war
Venetia gained from Austria despite Italian defeat by Austrians at battle of Custozza -
Franco-Prussian war
French garrison withdrawn from Rome which was then occupied by the Italian army