Immigrazione italiana

Italian Immigration

  • The statue of liberty

    The statue of liberty
    They built the Statue of Liberty, the welcome landmark for all immigrants from Italy.
  • Start the New immigration

    Start the New immigration
    It is the third and largest wave of immigration from Europe and consisted of Slavs, Jews, and Italians. Also Irish immigrated because there was the Potato Famine.
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    Why people immigrated?

    They immigrated for the poverty, but political hardship and the dream to return to Italy with enough money to buy land were motivators as well. In 1906 in Italy Vesuvius erupted near Naples and in 1908 there was the disastrous Messina earthquake
  • Ellis islands

    Ellis islands
    The Ellis Island immigration center was opened (1892 - 1954) where migrants from Europe were required to undertake to medical and legal inspections. The Ellis Island immigration center was a sinister for Italians entering the US, but few immigrants from Italy were turned away.
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    The immigrants

    3 million Italians immigrated to America. These immigrants, mostly artisans and peasants, represented all regions of Italy, but mainly came from the mezzogiorno, Southern Italy. Though the majority of Italian immigrants were laborers, a small population of craftsmen also immigrated to the United States. They comprised less than 20% of all Italian immigrants and enjoyed a higher status than that of the contadini.
  • Few immigrates

    Few immigrates
    In 1907 was approved Immigration Act that restrict the number of immigrants
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    World War I

    This war was one of principal cause to immigrats to america.
  • Nazism and Fascism

    Nazism and Fascism
    Mussolini and Hitler sign an agreement known as the Roman-Berlin Axis. World War 2 breaks out. Italy conquers Albania and Mussolini sides with Hitler and Fascist Germany against the allies leading to anti-Italian sentiments in the US
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    World War II

    In italy the war started in 1940 and very many people immigrat to USA onether time.
  • Abolished restrictions

    Abolished restrictions
    The Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Celler Law) abolished the nation-of-origin restrictions on immigrants.