People who were born Italian and then exsplored!

  • Mar 2, 1455

    Alvise Ca’ da Mosto

    Alvise Ca’ da Mosto
    Alvise Ca’ da Mosto visited Madeira and the Canary Islands, and coasted along Africa past the mouth of the Senegal River. He went up along the Gambia River, but, finding the people hostile, he returned to Portugal. Alvise Ca’ da Mostowas the first to discover Cape Verde islands two he found uninhabited. He also did a study of the Senegambian ethnography and slavery.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher columbus made 4 exsploration trips. He made his first trip in 1492. Christopher columbus sailed across the alantic ocean with 3 small ships. He reached the bahamas on October 12. Then he went to cuba and Hispaniola. He returened to spain in 1493.
  • Jun 24, 1494

    Sebastian Cabot

    Sebastian Cabot
    Sebastian is the son of Jhon cabot. After his father died, Cabot went on his own voyages, looking for the Northwest Passage through North America to England. He later sailed for Spain, traveling to South America, where he explored the Rio de la Plata.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    Cabot sailed west and north under his thought that the route to Asia would be shorter from northern Europe than Columbus's voyage. 50 days into the voyage cabot landed on the east coast of noth america. Although people disagree on where he really discovered. Some people believe that Cabot landed at Cape Breton Island or mainland Nova Scotia. Others believe he may have landed at Newfoundland, Labrador or even Maine.
  • Mar 6, 1520

    Giovanni da Verrazzano

    In the 1520's he was sent by king Faransis I to exsplore the east coast of north america for a route to the pacific. Then in the early march he was sent to exsplore and found the new york harbor. after he discovered the new york harbor he made two more voyages, sadly ont the second voyage he was killed and eatean by the Lower Antilles.
  • Giacomo Beltrami

    Giacomo Beltrami
    In 1823 Giacomo Beltrami claimed to have discovered the source missippi river. He also discovered present day Minisota. Giacomo Beltrami wrote about his discoveries in his jourenal that he kept with him. That is how we know some of his discoveries.
  • Romolo Gessi

    Romolo Gessi
    Romolo exsplored north east africa, Sudan, and the Nile river. He is also known as Gessi Passha.
  • Vittorio Bottego

    Vittorio Bottego
    Bottego was the first exsplore of Jubaland in the horn of Africa, where he lead two exspeditions. On november 7th they reached the Shbeli River. Finally after 8 days they crossed the river, entering the country of Arsi Oromo.
  • Ardito Desio

    Ardito Desio
    Ardito Desio exsplored the eroupe mountains, aficain mountains, asia mountains, antartica mountains. In 1926, Desio led a geographical and geological expedition to the Oasis of Jaghbub, in the Libyan Desert. On 1929, he covered Kashmir and Baltistan in Northern Pakistan.
  • Niccolo de Conti

    Conti exsplored India, Southeast Asia, and China. They think once he reached china he stayed their.