Napoleon timeline

  • Italian Campaign

    Italian Campaign
    It helped to end the French Revolutionary Wars and helped to control the French armies (green)
  • Egyptian Campaign

    Egyptian Campaign
    Napoleon went to Egypt and started winning battles immediately (green)
  • Consulate

    Napoleon claimed to be first consul and continued with the elected assembly (green)
  • Banque de France

    Banque de France
    To restore the confidence of the French bank system after they had financial issues during the revolution (green)
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    An agreement between napoleon, papal, and the clergy representatives to end breech caused by the church reforms (green)
  • Consul for life

    Consul for life
    Oath: equality, liberty, fraternity, and a new constitution of his own devise legislated a succession to rule for his son
  • Napoleonic code

    Napoleonic code
    He changed the French legal code to show the principles of the French Revolution. He created one law code for France (yellow)
  • Declared self-emperor

    Declared self-emperor
    It was a big thing for napoleon because it showed everyone his control/power. It made it seem like he was at the top rather then the pope who would give him the crown (green)
  • Battle of trafalgar

    Battle of trafalgar
    Britain obtained the victory over napoleon so that they could be sure he wouldn’t invade again. It was a sea-engagement between the British navy and the French/Spanish fleets (red)
  • Abolished holy Roman empire

    Abolished holy Roman empire
    When Austria was defeated at the battle of austerlitz, he wouldn’t have gotten his imperial title if he didn’t get rid of the holy Roman empire
  • The continental system

    The continental system
    It was a blockade made to stop Great Britain. The French Allie’s couldn’t trade with Britain. Napoleon didn’t have the superior navy (red)
  • The resistance in Spain

    The resistance in Spain
    Spain declined napoleons offer on invading Poland so he invaded both Poland and Spain. It lasted up until the 6th coalition defeated him (red)
  • The invasion of Russia

    The invasion of Russia
    He had taken 422,000 men into Russia in july. Russia avoided napoleon and he got him and his army stuck in the winter. They didn’t have food, water, warmth, or good clothing or any shelter. He had lost many men due to the conditions (red)
  • The battle of nations at Leipzig

    The battle of nations at Leipzig
    Napoleon had fought many defensive battles but didn’t have a very strong army for them (red)
  • Abdication

    They wanted napoleon to give up his power but his son was three and couldn’t take charge. He stayed in power until he received 2M francs for him to leave. So when he left Louis XVII had taken charge (yellow)
  • Hundred days war

    Hundred days war
    Napoleon lost power and was sent away. At the 7th coalition he escapes from Elba and got to Paris (green)
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon escaped from exile and had returned to the throne. He started battling right away hoping to claim another victory but he ended up with losing (red)