The Congress of Vienna splits up the Italian states apart again
When Italy was invaded by Napoleon, the states were unified under one government. However, when Napoleon was defeated. the Congress of Vienna split the states up. -
An Alliance with France
To the italians, Austria was the biggest problem in the way of unification. After the Congress of Vienna, it controlled the Italian Provinces of Venetia and Lombardy in the North, and several small states. In order to fix that, the Prime Minister of Sardina, Count Camilio Di Cavour, persuaded Napoleon III, the emperor of France, to help drive Austria out of the Northern Provinces. After gaining his support, Cavour provoked a war against Austria. -
The Provinces were Freed
The combine French-Sardanian army won two swift victories against Austria. Sardinia has succeeded in takin over all of the norther Italy. except Venetia, from the Austrians. -
Uniting the South
Cavour had successfully united parts of the norther Italy, and contemplated doing the same to the south. He started secretly helping nationalist rebels in Southern Italy, and a small army of Italian nationalists formed under the soldier, Giuseppe Garibaldi. Under Garibaldi, the army was able to capture Sicily and cross over to the Italian mainland, marching north from there. He was able to free most of Southern Italy. -
Gaining Permission
After crossing over into the mainland, volunteers flocked to Garibaldi´s banner. An election was held, and voters gave Garibaldi permission to unite the areas he conquered with the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. -
Unification of Northern and Southern Italy
Italy was finally able to unify the King of Sardinia. Victor Emmanuel II. Even after this truimph, however, Italy still had a little more to do to gain back some territories. -
Venetia and The Papal States
Venetia was able to become part of Italy. The Papal States were taken over by italian forces in 1870. Despite unification, there were many unsolved problems in Italy. These problems made Italy enter the 20th century as a poor country. -
The Triple Alliance is made
Italy made military alliances with Austria-Hungary and Germany, this alliance is called the Triple Alliance. This agreement started that they need to defend each other against any possible attacks. -
Italy attempts to gain territory
Italy tried to take over Ethiopia to gain territory, but this attempt failed due to a bigger Ethiopian army in 1896. Another attempt was made by Italy to gain territory. Italy went to war with the Ottoman Empire. -