President Obama Launches the It's On Us Campaign
President Obama joined Vice President Biden and Americans across the country to launch the “It’s On Us” initiative -- an awareness campaign to help put an end to sexual assault on college campuses. -
SGA President visists White House
“It was pretty much a time for us to sit down and layout what we were doing for institutions, and specifically what we’ve done about ‘It’s On Us’. SGA President Christopher Ndiritu -
ODU is the !st college campus in Virgina to take the It's On Us pledge. Over 100 students took the pledge. -
It's On Us Campus Kickback
About 500 studrnts at ODU took the pledge
Walk A Mile in Her Shoes at ODU
Called men to be a part of the solution to stop sexual and relationship violence against women. Men wore a pair of heels and walked around campus showing your fellow Monarchs
that you’re an ally in this movement to end violence. -
These Hands Don't Hurt
$1 donations to add your hand to the promise wall
All proceeds directly benefit the YWCA’s sexual and domestic violence support services
Food/Raffle only $1 each -
Dine and Donate
In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, ODU VOX brings the It's On Us documentary It Happened Here to Old Dominion University! It Happened Here tells the stories of five female students who have overcome adversity despite lack of administrative support after being sexually assaulted on their campuses. Viewing the film will promote open discussion about interpersonal violence and encourage students to take an active role in sexual assault prevention on our campus. Join Old Dominion University -
No Zebras event at ODU
An event dedicated to providing more awareness of sexual assault and interpersonal violence