Love 06

It only took...

  • I arrived at school

    I arrived at school
  • We Met

    We Met
  • First Day of Brit Lit Class

    First Day of Brit Lit Class
  • Fuller Initiation Night

  • The Flat Tire

    The Flat Tire
    What a night!
  • The Day I Started to Wonder

    The Day I Started to Wonder
    We watched Parks and Rec
  • Our First Walk

    Our First Walk
  • We Started Dating

  • First Kiss

    First Kiss
  • You Told Our Fuller Team

    You Told Our Fuller Team
  • First Time to Sonic just US!

    First Time to Sonic just US!
  • We Watched Le Miserables Together

    We Watched Le Miserables Together
  • First "I LOVE YOU"

    First  "I LOVE YOU"
  • Your 21st Birthday Party

    Your 21st Birthday Party
  • We talk about having a Family

    We talk about having a Family
  • The Night of Color

    The Night of Color
  • Our First Breakfast Date

    Our First Breakfast Date
    We walked to The Border, We went Shoe Shopping, Grocery Shopping, and then watched Lord of the Rings with Rachel
  • I told my Mom and the Johnsons about You

  • We Made it a Month

    I spent our month marker in VA for Dana's wedding while you were at school!
  • Trip to Grave's Mountain

    Trip to Grave's Mountain
    with Rachel & Micayla
  • We went to the Raleigh Museums

    We went to the Raleigh Museums
    with Rachel and Arriah
  • Fuller LipSync Battle

    My First Time at Waffle House Afterwards
  • We make Spagetti Together for Fuller

    We make Spagetti Together for Fuller
    (And have a sauce catastrophe)
  • Visiting My VA family

    Visiting My VA family
  • VA Family Fall Festival

    VA Family Fall Festival
  • Halloween

  • I Teach You how to play Rummy

    I Teach You how to play Rummy
  • Grocery Shopping with Rachel

    Grocery Shopping with Rachel
    for Fuller's Coffee Night
  • Our 2 Month Marker

    Our 2 Month Marker
    You meet me after my Night class with Ice Cream and Flowers
  • Our First Double Date

    Our First Double Date
    With Travis and Brianna to Over the Falls
  • Our 3 Legged Race

    Our 3 Legged Race
  • Our Attempt at another Breakfast Date

    Our Attempt at another Breakfast Date
    We walk down to The Border to find out it is closed. We go Dress Shopping and to Lunch and then to Tate Bible's Birthday Party.
  • We Make it Facebook Official

    We Make it Facebook Official
  • Our Double Date with Jacob and Angela

    Our Double Date with Jacob and Angela
  • Last Day of British Literature

    Last Day of British Literature
  • Today Marks Our 3 Month Aniversary

    Today Marks Our 3 Month Aniversary
    I hope that you have loved these last 3 months as much as I have. I look forward to spending many more months and years with you by my side making new moments and having new firsts!