Creation of Arpanet Network
Arpanet, the first large connection of computer systems to link government, and education sites was created. -
Apple Is Founded
The major computer and cell phone company Apple, is founded. -
The First Spam E-mail Sent
The first spam email was sent on ARPANET on may, 1st 1978. -
AOL Goes Public
AOL the nations most popular web service at one point went public in 1982. -
First Domain Names Were Created
First domain names were created for use in websites. -
The First Web Page Goes Live
The first web page went live on August 6, 1991. -
The Launch of Google
The world renowned search engine, Google first launched in 1998. -
First Emoji Created
The first emoji created was a smiley face and it was created by Shigetaka Kurita in Japan. -
Facebook Goes Live
Facebook originally went live for harvard students on febuary 4, 2004. -
Internet Turns 50
The Internet will be 50 years old.