ISU Project History

  • Period: to

    Canadian Events Timeline

    The timeline is from the starting date of WW1 until about 5 years after WW2. The overall timeline spams exactly 36 years.
  • Vimy Ridge

    Vimy Ridge
    Vimy Ridge took place in northern France. Britain and France failed to win the battle but Canada came in and won strategically. It is the first time all four divisions of the Canadian corps fought together. That's why Vimy Ridge is a symbol of Canadian pride.
  • Chanak Affair

    Chanak Affair
    Britain wanted Canada to send troops to help with the war in Turkey. But William Lyon Mackenzie King said that he would not send troops automatically without parliament approval. This showed Canadian independence by not having to follow British orders.
  • Regina Riot

    Regina Riot
    The Regina Riot was Canada's worst riot in during the Great Depression. Unemployed men wanted the government to find them jobs but instead one police man was dead, 40 protesters and 5 citizens were wounded, and 130 men were arrested. Not Canada's greatest moment in history...
  • Battle of Hong Kong

    Battle of Hong Kong
    Canada sent inexperienced troops to the Battle of Hong Kong. Most of them were taken as prisoners of war or killed. Many people lost their brothers, sons, fathers, friends. Not a very thought through decision made by the government.
  • Terry Fox Raising Money For Cancer Research

    Terry Fox Raising Money For Cancer Research
    Terry Fox who was battling cancer decided to run across Canada raising money for cancer research. Even though it was hard to run with no leg he pushed himself through it to help other people. He ended up raising 24 million dollars and over 850 million up to date with over 1,300 projects founded. He raised cancer awareness not just for Canada but for the whole world, he is one of the biggest symbols of Canadian pride.