IST Robotics

By Ben1765
  • 1495

    Robot Sketchs

    Robot Sketchs
    Leonardo Da Vinci creates a Sketch of a Humanoid Robot.
  • Conveyor Belt

    Conveyor Belt
    Henry Ford creates the world's first conveyor belt, allowing a T-Ford to be built in 93 Minutes.
  • Laws of Robotics

    Laws of Robotics
    Isaac Asimov wrote a Short Story called 'Liar!' in 1950. In this story he detailed the three laws of Robotics:
    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a
    human being to come to harm.
    2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings,
    except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
    protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
  • Turing Test

    Turing Test
    In 1950, Alan Turing developed the 'The Turing Test', In which an interrogator must determine between a robot and a human. The test determines whether a robot can think for itself or not. As of right now, no robot has passed the Turing Test.
  • Robotic Arms

    Robotic Arms
    George Devol and Joe Engleberger design the first programmable robot ‘arm’. This later became the first industrial robot, completing dangerous and repetitive tasks on an assembly line at General Motors (1962).
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    The first Star Wars movie is released. George Lucas‘s movie inspires a new generation of researchers through his image of a human future shared with robots such as the now famous R2-D2 and C-3PO.
  • Deep Blue

    Deep Blue
    On May 11, a computer built by IBM known as Deep Blue beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov.
  • AIBO

    Sony releases the first version of AIBO, a robotic dog with the ability to learn, entertain and communicate with its owner. More advanced versions have followed.
  • Robot Helicopter

    Robot Helicopter
    Epsom release the smallest known robot, standing 7cm high and weighing just 10 grams. The robot helicopter is intended to be used as a ‘flying camera’ during natural disasters.
  • Roomba

    After being first introduced in 2002, the popular Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner has sold over 2.5 million units, proving that there is a strong demand for this type of domestic robotic technology.