Period: to
South American Issues
Preident Bush still traveling to Peru after car bomb explodes near US embassy.
A car bomb exploded near the us embassy in Peru, killing nine people. -
Venezuelan president forced out of power by military.
President Hugo Chavez was forced from power by the military, after a three day strike caused 11 deaths. -
Socialist Lula elected president in Brazil.
Socialist leader Lula won the presidency in Brazil. -
Army Reservists sieze police station in southern Peru town, causing them to declare a state of emergency.
A Peruvian town has delcared a stated of emergency after a police station was siezed by army reservists. -
Gang have been launching attacks in Sao Paulo, Brazil
There have been at least 100 reported attcks in Sao Paulo. At least 52 deaths have been reported. -
7.7 magnitude quake in Chile leavin 1000's homeless.
Colombian guerilla leader killed in ecuador.
Ecuador adopts a new constituion.
Police looking for drug gangs in Rio de Janeiro
Internal war in Colombia is coming to an end.