The Jewish Diaspora
The Jewish diaspora was when The Roman Empire forced the Jewish people to leave Isreal. They couln't come back unless they wanted to rise death. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Period: Oct 13, 636 to Oct 13, 1099
When the Arab people moved into the Isreal land
The Arab peopel started to come into the land of Ireal after the Isrealites were driven out. They settled and made their home their for many hundred years. They had every right to be on that land and they made it their home. http://www.science.co.il/Israel-history.php -
Period: Oct 13, 1099 to Oct 13, 1291
Crusader Domination
The country for the next 200 years was domintaed by Crusaders. They first captured the city of Jerusalum and forced them out from their. Over their time the crusaders extended their teritory by bloddy victory. Soon the Muslim army over threw the Crusaders. http://www.science.co.il/Israel-history.php -
Period: Oct 13, 1291 to Oct 13, 1516
Mamluk Rule
The Mumluks snd took the land of Isreal and ruled Damascus. After a few years the countries urban centers were virtally in ruins most of Jerusalum was asbandon! http://www.science.co.il/Israel-history.php
http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Oct 14, 1500
My sources are https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/arab-israeli-war http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/facts-us-citizens-need-know-israel-palestine.html http://www.science.co.il/Israel-history.php http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php http://www.ifamericansknew.org/history/ -
Period: Oct 13, 1517 to
Ottoman Rule
The Ottoman Rule took the land and divided it into four districts. They were all attached to Damascus. http://www.science.co.il/Israel-history.php -
Period: to
The Holocaust
The Holocaust is where Hilter killed 6 million Jews in conservation camps. He killed people that he found undesireable and Jews were who he found undesireable. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
The Isreal Civil war
The instant the Jewish people move back to their home and relize that the Arab people were their they started to fight them out. They declared war on them and both sides wanted the land for themselves. http://www.science.co.il/Israel-history.php -
State of Isreal
The state of Isreal was proclaimed almost once the Jewish people moved into the the Isreal land. This means that Isreal is now a free country that they are self controled. http://www.science.co.il/Israel-history.php -
Period: to
The Arab people loose their land
The Arab people ever scince the Jewish people cam back they have continued to loose their land to the Jews. The Jews have better technology than them, but the Muslims have a growing population of people so they will soon heavily out number the Jews. http://www.ifamericansknew.org/history/ -
Period: to
Isreal starts to gain their land back
Isreal bagins to get their land back and they have to do it by fighting for it. They begin to win and soon have control of most of Isreal. http://www.ifamericansknew.org/history/ -
The Arab people get help
The Muslim countries beside Isreal such as Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon. They give The Arab people supplies such as guns and food. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
British helps
Great Britain reconizes the rights of the Jewish people and makes a national home for them in palastine. They help the Isreal people get to their promised land in Isreal. http://www.science.co.il/Israel-history.phpn -
Isreal goes home
Isreal in 1948 had enough with Europe and went to their home land. The Palastinian people didn't like this though they fought them for the land that was theirs. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Isreal prepares for war
Isreal begins to make armed and air force bases all over Isreal. They plan for war against the Arabs. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
The US suports Isreal in the fight
Presidant Truman said that in a speech that the US was going to aid the Ireal army. The US gave them 135 million dollars and high tech tanks and weapons left over from the war. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Isreal becomes a part of the United Nations
Isreal becomes the 59th country to join the United Nations. The United Nations trys to make peace in the world and also trys to prevent another world war from breaking out. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Isreal captures the Gaza Strip
The Isreal armed forces take control of teh Gaza Strip and ocupy it. The United Nations but out a state of Emergency to make sure that Isreal doesn't cross the Egypt boarder. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Jerusalum is back in Isrealite hands
Jerusalum, Judea, Samaria, and the Sinai peninsula were caputered by Isreal. This didn't come easily they had to fight for 6 Days of Strait fighting to reclaim the land. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Egypt-Isreal peace treaty
The Egypt people and the Isreal people sign a peace treaty. Prime Minister Menachem won the Nobel peace prize. The Egypt people and the Isreal people didn't want to go to war with each other any more than they had to. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Isreal Air Force
THe Isreal Air Force takes down Iragi nuclear reactor. This hapend just before it was ready to opporate. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Isreal gets a new goverment
Isreal gets a new goverment lead by Yitzhak Rabin. He brings new relations to Isreal with trade like China and India. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Isreal-Jordan peace treaty signed
Isreal and Joradan peace treaty was signed in 1994 to stop war and to try to get peace between them. That means that Joradn will stop to help the Arab people in the war. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Isreal's New Prime Minister
Isreal gets a new Prime Minister named Benjamin Natanyahu. He sets up trade with Oman and Quatar. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
The Isreal people build walls
The Isreal people begin the build walls around their part of the Isreal land because they don't want the Arab people the get into their cities. They have even built them so that they take some of the Arab land and makeing them move because of it. http://rt.com/news/israel-wall-syria-border-305/ -
The Dome of the Rock
When the Arab people built the Dome of the Rock right on top of the Jewish Temple. The Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem. It is a masterpeice in the Islamic culture. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php