Israeli flag 2


  • 200

    200 years ago

    the first apperence of in historical recored
  • 300

    300 years ago

    they started becoming a country with bunch of people
  • 400

    400 years ago

    Jewish history began and they started thinking about the bible and things like that.
  • 500

    500 years ago

    Been trying to take the surroding places around them around.
  • Oct 14, 600

    600 years ago

    The jews settled in isral
  • Oct 14, 700

    700 years ago

    Made the Isral agricultare
  • Oct 14, 1000


    Rules where made and being set out
  • Oct 14, 1300

    1300 yearsa ago

    Jews started leaving
  • Oct 15, 1500

    1500 years ago

    World War II Began
  • 1600

    They badly dameged the norther part of Isreal
  • 1700 years ago

    discoverys other parts of isral
  • 1800 years ago

    they started a war
  • 1900 years ago

    started building a big museum
  • Isral

    Ices is taking over terroriest group
  • 1100 years ago

    Hamas war began
  • 1200 years ago

    worlds oldest bible was resenced
  • 1400 years ago

    Started killing people.
  • 1500 years ago

    trying to pick up a flood
  • 800 years ago

    They sound a rare see. With rare animals in it
  • 900 years ago

    A kingdome began they started making laws