Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

  • The United Nation's Vote

    The vote was to partition Palestinian into Arab and Jewish states. The Arabs reject the partition and attack. Israel won this attack and gained territory. The control of jerusalem was between Jordan and Israel
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    Timespan of Conlict

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    Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

  • Six Day War

    Israel launches a surprise attack. Israeli's captured many places of Egpyt and Syria
  • The Israeli's Safety Zones

    Israeli's settled on West Bank and Gaza and made safety zones where palestinians are not allowed to farm and have roads the palestinians are not allowed to use.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Israel repels Egypt and Syria and a cease-fire is declared. LAter, Israel withdrawls from parts of Sinai and the Golan Heights from Syria
  • Israel Withdrawls

    Egypt and Israel make peace and Israel withdrawls from the rest of Sinai
  • The Palestinian Uprising

    Palestinians become angry over the Israeli's continuing occupation of west bank and gaza so they begin an uprising