May 14, 1948
The United Nations come together after WW2 and feel bad for the Jews and decided to give them a country. This makes Palestinians angry because they believe that God/ Allah gave this land to them, but the Jews also believe this so this creates a conflict for the United Nations to solve. The United technically created this problem now they also have to solve it. -
Palestine views this as illegitimate claim and begins a war with Israel in 1956 but this war is short lived and they lose so as spoils of war Israel takes more land than Palestine likes. -
6 Day War
This was a short lived war but it had big consequences the israelis claimed all of jerusalem after this short war. This war was caused by the Syrians/Palestinians bombarding the Israelis borders which brought the egyptians in on it to because Syria/Palestine and egypt were allies. But the United Nations stopped this war too and went on with their tolerance of one another until September then they went to war with one another once again and this one didn't last six days sadly this is quite true . -
In 1967 they create another war for the land and again Palestine lost the war and they also had a peace treaty with the UN and they offered the Gaza Strip and the West Bank but Palestine refused the treaty. -
The Camp David Accords was another peace meeting with the UN between the two . But during 1978 this time it was Egypt and Israel but while it was happening Hamas bombed Israel as well so the accords did not happen. -
The first intifada began on the Gaza Strip and as small scale riots but was taken to the next level by the PLO. There has been multiple intifada that have occurred but this is the first. -
Hamas Founded
After the first Intifada Hamas was founded as a rebel group to stand up against Israel's government. They are considered a terrorist group to Israel and the rest of the world. -
Oslo Agreement
Another peace thing to create peace between the countries but again Palestine refused. The PLO agreed but nothing was done to make these happen. -
Camp David
This Camp David was in the USA and it didn't go well because palestine wanted a right of return among other things but Israel said no to almost all of their pleas. So yet again the war goes on towards devastation for mankind. -
Flare Up
Lately the violence has risen to another level people have started to hurt one another fatally and starting fires and throwing tear gas at one another. This is caused by a Palestinian man murdering two Israelis and everyone retaliated after years of tolerance