the zionism tried to find a political solution and wanted to make a jewish state -
the balfour declaration
the british minister authur balfour committed to work toward ''the palestine of a national home for the jewish people'' -
UN Partition Plan
33 countries of the un general assembly voted for the dividing of land 13 voted against 10 abstained. -
establishment of israel
when israel was declared five arab armies from jordan, egypt, lebanon, syria, and iraq invaded israel and establish a border -
the suez campaign 1956
isreal,france and britain went to war against egypt.isreal defeated egypt and gained more land and a canal but withdrew in the response to the u.s -
formation of the PLO
the palestianians created an independent organization by yasser arafat who was gaining notoriety with its aremd opertions againts israel. -
The Six Day War
Egypt blockated israeli shipping lanes in the red sea. isreal launched preemtive strikes against egypt.syria and jordan joined the fight -
the munich olympics
israel olympic team were taken hostage and killed by the palestitian group -
the yom kippur war 1973
the yom kippur the holiest day of the jewish year egypt,iraq,syria and jordan attacked isreal.Isreal managed to push back the attack altought severely outnumbered -
the camp david accords
israel and eqypt signed the camp david accords for peace -
Sadat Assassinated
Sadat was assassinated by islamist elements.Oposed peace with isrealin nation celebration of the october war -
the oslo peace process
trobin and yasser arafat signed the declaration of principles and shake hands -
jordan-israel peace
mr.rabin and king hussein of jordan signed a agreemnet end war in the white house -
Rabin Assassinated
jewish religious extremist assassinated him on november 4 sending shock waves around the world -
Arafat returns
The returning palestinian liberation army deployed in areas vacated by israeli troops.He became head of PA,he was elected president authority in january 1996 -
talks fail, new infifada starts
yasser arafat was under pressure by barak and us preident bill clinton to aboundon gradual -
Talks fail, new intifada starts
2 weeks of talked failed with acceptible solutions to the status of jerusalem.All the conflict made and uprising -
new president
us , israel and several countries cut off aid to the palestinians as the islamist movement rejects israel right to exist