
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • zionism

    therodore herzl the founder of zionism is trying to find a solution for the problem in this book the jewish state
  • the balfour declaration

    the balfour declaration
    britsih foregin minister arthur balfour committed britan to work towards '' the establishment in palestineof natinal home for the jewish''
  • Britain occupies Palestine.

  • league of nations

    britain occupied as the mandatory power by league of nations
  • un partition plan

    un partition plan
    un general assembly voted for partition 13 voted against and 10 abstained it lead to the creation of israel
  • establishment of isreal

    establishment of isreal
    the state of israel, the first jewish state for nearly 2,000 years, was proclaimed in Tel Aviv.
  • isreal goes to war

    isreal goes to war
    the day after the state of israel was declared five arab armies from jordan, egypt, lebanon, syria and iraq immediately invaded israel but were repulsed, and the israeli army crushed pockets of resistance.
  • the suez campaign

    the suez campaign
    isreal,france,britain went to war against egypt because egypt nationalized the suez canal and closed it to isreal and western europe
  • formation of the PLO

    formation of the PLO
    palestinians created a genuinely independent organization w
  • the six-day war

    the six-day war
    egypt blockaded israeli shipping lanes in the red sea. Israel launched preemptive strikes against egypt. Syria and Jordan joined the fight
  • formaton of the PLO

    formaton of the PLO
    yasser arafat took over chairman of the palestine liberation organization
  • the munich olympics

    the munich olympics
    members of isreal olympic were taken as hostage and were killed by the palestinian
  • the yom kippur war,1973

    the yom kippur war,1973
    yom kippur, the holiest day of the jewist year, egypt, syria,iraq and jordan attacked israel
  • the camp david accords

    the camp david accords
    after intensive negotiations conducted by the U.S isreal and egypt signed the camp david accords a peace treaty was inconluded and the egyptians had their sinai desert returned to then
  • Jordan-iraeli peace

    Jordan-iraeli peace
    prime minister Mr.rabin and jordan signed a peace treaty for ending the 46 year of war and relations the areemen which was signed at the white house
  • new president

    new president
    hamas wins the palestinian legislative elections