first zionist congress
convinced that the long history of oppresion and persecution of jews would not stop until jews could live in in a land of their own, these ealy zionist commited themselves to a return to their ancient homeland. -
McMahonHussein correspondance
during world war 1, british high commissioner henry McMahon promised him that britain would grant independence to most arab areas in the ottoman empire. -
balfour declaration
the british balfour declaration promised to create a jewish homeland in the region comprising the ancient land of israel. -
british mandate for palestine
britain was given the palestine mandate on land comprising modern-day israel, the west bank, gaza strip and jordan, in 1921, britain created transjordan as a subdivision of the mandate in the area east of the jordan river. -
the holocaust and world war II
although the jewish population of the palestine mandate gave military support to britain during the war, the british refused to allow the jews to flee nazi persecution and enter the palestine mandate. -
UN partition plan
on november 29, 1947 the UN general Assembly voted to partition the palestine mandate into an arab state and a jewish state and to internationalize the city of jerusalem. -
1948 war
in accordance with the UN partititon plan, David Ben-Guiron proclaimed the independence of the new state of israel on may, 1948 and became israels first prime minister. -
establishment of the PLO
was formed with the aim of destroying israel and creating a palestian state in place. -
six-day war / 1967 arab-israeli
egypt closed the international water way, the straits of tiran, to all israeli shipping, and act of war in international law. -
settlement construction begins
the term settlements refers to israeli communities built on land that was captured in the 1967 war. -
khartoum resolution/ attrition battles/the war attrition
israel gained land from egypt, jordan, and syria.
in 1970, after an after an attempy by the PLO to overthrow jordans king hussein. -
october war/ yom kippur war/ 1973 arab israeli war
after initial arab milotary successes, the israelis managed to push back the attack. for many israelis, the 1973 war reinforced the -
camp david accord
the american-sponsored talks paved the way to the peace treaty signed in 1979 -
egypt-isrel peace treaty
for its part, israel returned to egypt all af the sinai that had been captured during the 1967 war and removed jewish families from the homes they had established there. -
lebanon war
this conflict is know as the 1982 lebanon war or the first lebanon war. israel withdrew from most of lebanon in june 1985. -
first intifada
this conflict conitnued until the oslo accords were signed in 1993. -
israel-jordan peace treaty
as with the 1979 peace treaty between egypt and israel, the united states ;ed a difficult but successful diplomatic processto help jordan and israel achieve peace. -
Camp David Summit
This was the first major attempt to negotiate a comprehensive final status agreement between israel ans the palestians, although the negotions were carried out in secret, participants president clinton and dennis. -
second intifada
palestian terrorist attacked israelis with numeours suicide bombers, killing almos 900 civilians and wounding thousands of others at restaurants. -
israel begins construting west bank secutiti barrier
however the barrier, composed mainly of chain link fence, has been criticized for diving some palestians from their land and places of work or study. -
arab peace initiative is proposed
the proposal offered israel peace ir return for israeli withdrawal from all territories captured in 1967 war. -
roadmap for peace is proposed
on november 27, 2007, the basic principles of the roadmap were reaffirmed at the annapolis conference. -
israel disengages from gaza
the gaza disengagement was very controversial domestically, because israeli soldiers were required to uproot israeli citizens who wanted to remain in their communities in gaza. -
Hamas is elected
in january 2006, palestians elected a mojority of hamas members to the palestinian authority legislature over the PLOs fatah party that had previously been in power. -
hezbollah isael lebanon war
on july 11, 2006 hezbollah crossd the lebanon israel border and attacked an israeli army unit.