he is the national movement for thre return of jewish people he made a jewish sovoereignty in the land of isreal -
The Balfour Declaration
the balfoue declaration is a letter that was written from the UK by Arthur james to baaron rothschild (the leader of the jewish community) for a transmioiton to the zionist fediration of great britain of irland. The letter was later pulished on the press (november 9 1917) -
UN Partition Plan
it was a propsal developed by the UN. A partitioin with the econimic union to follow the termination. The resolutin then created the independence of Arab and Jewish states. (it was a four-part document) -
Establishment of Israel
The Establishment of Israel was decaled the establishment of a jew state in eretz-israel to be known as the state of isreal. people in isreal celebrate this event annully its a national holiday -
The Suez Campaign
it was an invation in egypt by israel followed by britian and france -
Formation of the PLO