First Zionist Congress
Theodor Herzl,founder of modern political Zionism, organized a meeting to discuss an establishment and assure a home and land for the jews. -
Balfour Declaration
The British Balfour Decleration promised to create a Jewish homeland in the regioncomprising the ancient land of israel. -
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The Holocaust
The nazis persecuted Jews, which caused a aproximate of 6 million jews. Britain refused to allow the jewish flee nazi persecution and enter the palestine mandate. When the holocaust ended international support for the creation of a jewish state increased -
UN Partiton plan
ruled palestine since 1920 , handed the responsibility for solving the Zionist-Arab problem to the UN in 1947. -
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1948 War
The newly one day old israel had been attacked by 5 diffrent arab states trying to invade israel but failed and Israel suprsingly beat all five -
Establishment of the PLO
In 1964, the paestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed with the aim of destroying Israel and creating a Palestinian state in place -
Six Day War
Five diffrent arab states attacked the newly built state of israel, although by the end of the war israel managed to defeat all 5 states at once -
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Kartoum Resolution
durin the war israel gained land from egypt, jordan, and syria whille israel maintained that jerusalem would remain a unified city. -
Yom Kippur War
Egypt and syria attacked israel on the holiest day of the year for jews. -
Egypt and israel peace treaty
Egypts president signed a peace treaty with israel.