Israeli Palestine Conflict

  • United Nations Partition Plan

    United Nations Partition Plan
    The United Nations partition did not provide a soulution, violence increased. The area was to be called Israel.
  • The war of 1948-1949

    The war of 1948-1949
    The war started when 5 Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestine state of Israel. Israel won the war and they take more land.
  • The Palestine Liberation Organization

    The Palestine Liberation Organization
    Is an organization founded in 1964 with the pupose of the "Liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle.
  • 6 Day War

    6 Day War
    It started June 5, 1967 and ended June 10, 1967. Also known as the June War. Israel won the 6 day war. Their victory included capturing the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, and West Bank.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Syria and Egypt hoped to get back the territory they lost in the thrid Arab-Israeli war. Syria won but Israel got even more land.
  • The Camp David Accords

    The Camp David Accords
    Israel and Egypt signed on September 17th. The two agreements were signed at the White House and were witnessed by Jimmy Carter.
  • The Olso Accords

    The Olso Accords
    It was a public ceremony in Washington D.C. It is a set of agreements between the government of Israel and Palestine Liberation Organization.
  • Israel Assassinates Military Leaderof Hamas

    Israel Assassinates Military Leaderof Hamas
    Warplanes bombed the house of the military comander. 120 people were wounded.
  • President Obama Calls for Negotiations to Begin for a Palestinian State Based on Israel's Pre-1967 Borders

    President Obama Calls for Negotiations to Begin for a Palestinian State Based on Israel's Pre-1967 Borders
    President Barack Obama on Thursday made official the long-held U.S. support for a future Palestinian state based on borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war.
  • The Vatican Recognizes State of Palestine in New Treaty

    The Vatican Recognizes State of Palestine in New Treaty
    The Vatican had welcomed the decision by the U.N. General Assembly in 2012 to see a Palestinian state and had referred to the Palestine state since. But the treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestine State.