
Israeli Palestine Conflict

  • 1947 United Nations Partition Plan

    1947 United Nations Partition Plan
    They had a meeting to go over and questions and to get prepared for solutions of any problems. The United Nations plan was accepted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
  • Jewish Attack the Palestinian Village, Declare Independence, and War Begins

    Jewish Attack the Palestinian Village, Declare Independence, and War Begins
    Deir Yassin was a main place the Jewish attack. At 4 o'clock David Ben-Gurion read the Declaration of Independence and also established the Jewish state to be called Medinat Israel--the State of Israel. May 14, 1948 war broke out between the Jewish and Palestinian.
  • Palestinians Become Refugees

    Palestinians Become Refugees
    About 726,000 Palestinians became refugees.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    In the early 1950's Egypt failed the terms of the Egyptian- Israeli agreement so then, they blocked Israeli ships from passing through the Suez Canal a major waterway.
  • Suez Crisis Continued

    Suez Crisis Continued
    The Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser threatened the British and French oil supplies and western trade. Britain and France planned an attack on Egypt, seeking free ways through waters and hoping to seize control of the Sues Canal.
  • Second Arab-Israeli War Erupts

    Second Arab-Israeli War Erupts
    Israel began its assailant on the Egyptian military, capturing the whole Gaza Strip. France and Britain joined the fray, the U.S. was caught by surprise and voiced strongly to joint the attack. The United Nations were stationed along the border to prevent and Egyptian blockade.
  • PLO Formed

    PLO Formed
    PLO was formed in Jerusalem. The PLO became the arena for much nationalist activity.
  • Egypt Closes the Straits of Aqaba to Israeli Shipping

    Egypt Closes the Straits of Aqaba to Israeli Shipping
    The Egyptian president asked the Inited Nations to withdraw the forces that had been stationed with Israel since the Suez war of 1956. When this was done he closed the straits of Aqaba to Israeli shipping.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    Israel launched a strike at Egypt when Nasser declared his intention to the Jewish state. The six day war that followed ended with the Israeli army occupying the Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
  • War of Attrition with Egypt

    War of Attrition with Egypt
    The war of Attrition was local fighting along the boarders of the sox say war. The IDF attacked for the first time in Upper Egypt and destroyed the power station. The Israeli Air Force then began attacking Egyptian settlements. The first encounter between Israeli aircrafts and the Russian MiGs took place.
  • Israel Invades Southern Lebanon in Response to PLO Attack

    Israel Invades Southern Lebanon in Response to PLO Attack
    In March of 1978 a attack in Israel ended having many dead and wounded. The Lebanese Government submitted a strong protest to the U.N. The Council then came up with resolutions which called upon Israel to cease its military.
  • Israel and Lebanon Sign Peace Agreement

    Israel and Lebanon Sign Peace Agreement
    "On 17 May 1983 Israel and Lebanon signed an agreement that formally terminated the state of war and recognized the international border between them as inviolable." Most of the troops returned to their bases inside Israel, small forces remained in the security zone with the SLA.
  • Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated

    Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated
    The prime minister who led Israel to victory in 1967 was shot dead by a lone in the evening as he was leaving a vast rally. The minister was 73 struck down by 2 bullets when he was entering his car.
  • Suicide Bombing Attacks against Israel Increase in Frequency

    Suicide Bombing Attacks against Israel Increase in Frequency
    !64 human bombs have exploded since the outbreak of the second Intifada. 450 terrorists were arrested on their ways to commit a suicide bombing. Most off the suicide attacks in Israel have happened in malls, on busses, and in places where people meet.
  • Israel Removes the Last Jewish Settlements in Gaza

    Israel Removes the Last Jewish Settlements in Gaza
    Israeli soldiers removed the last few Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip and moved on to the final stages of withdraw. Israel has control the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since 1967. Some parts of the Gaza Strip and West Bank were under Palestinian control before the withdraw.
  • Hamas Rocket Fire Barrage against Israel

    Hamas Rocket Fire Barrage against Israel
    Members of the terrorist group Hamas launched rockets from threat base in Gaza. They launched more than 50 rockets which landed in southern Israel.
  • United States Commits $38 Billion over Ten Years to Military Assistance for Israel

    United States Commits $38 Billion over Ten Years to Military Assistance for Israel
    The U.S signed an unprecedented new agreement with Israel that will give the Israeli military $38 billion over 10 years. The agreement stated that they can spend the funds on military products.
  • US Embassy Opens in Jerusalem, Violence and Protest Ensues

    US Embassy Opens in Jerusalem, Violence and Protest Ensues
    The U.S officially relocated its embassy in Israel. At least 58 Palestinians were killed and are than 2,700 injured in the Gaza as deadly protests took place ahead. The celebratory air at the official opening ceremony in Jerusalem contrasted sharply with calls from international leaders.