Israeli-Palestine Conflict

  • 1947 united nations partition

    1947 united nations partition
    It was being divided into two states. They broke the peace treaty and took more land form the Palestine .
  • 6 Day War

    6 Day War
    Israel is going to attack Jordan , Syria , Egypt and many more. Israel was building illegal settlements in the region.
  • Camp David

    Camp David
    President Jimmy carter Said to move to Egypt. They Return to Egypt for Recognition.
  • Intifada

    Palestinians are going to stop increasing illegal settlements. They take back some of their land.
  • Oslo Accords

    Oslo Accords
    Palestinians tack back control of Gaza and the West Bank. The Israel retreat the area.
  • Israel ‘Apartheid’ wall

    Israel ‘Apartheid’ wall
    The ICC voted 14 to 1 to build a new wall. They Dismantled the old wall.
  • Siege of Gaza

    Siege of Gaza
    Israel is putting a border on Gaza. Putting restrictions on goods and people.
  • Operation cast Lead

    Operation cast Lead
    Israel is starting a battle form the air and the ground. Killing 1,391 Palestinians.
  • Flotilla Massacre

    Flotilla Massacre
    9 Turkish people died and were murdered in a commando attack. Israel attacked Gaza Freedom Flotilla.
  • Operation protective Edge

    Operation protective Edge
    Israel was attacking Gaza. after Palestinians with unity government over 2,000 Palestinians were killed.