the idea of the jewish have there own state -
huessein correspondence
mchahon promised that britain would of grant independence after and british disagreed over the borders thatwere promised -
baflour declaration
The british Balfour Declaration promised to create a jewish homeland in the region comprising the ancient land of Israel. -
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british mandatge for palestine
the leauge of nations divided ottoman lands between the british an the french after world war 1 -
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The holocaust and world war II
nazi gernany attacked and conqured most of eroupe eventually carrying out a genocide known as the holocaust -
UN partition plan
Arabs ,jews , and the british britain announced its plan to pull out region. -
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1948 war
in accordance with the un partition plan david ben-gurion proclaimed independece of the state of isael on may 14 1948 and became israel first prime minister. -
establishment of the plo
the palestine liberation organization is an organization founded in 1964 with the purpose of the liberation of palestine through armed struggle