Israel Timeline Project

  • 4004 BCE


    God Created the Earth. He also created man. Without God, we would not be alive. Even if we were alive, we wouldn't be able to survive because God created everything we need to survive.
  • 2349 BCE

    The Flood.

    God flooded the Earth. He saved Noah because he was righteous in God's eyes. If God had not flooded the Earth, then there would be a lot of criminals. Also, there would likely be no laws.
  • 2166 BCE


    God made Abraham a Covenant saying Abraham would have more descendants than stars in the sky. God gave Abraham Issac. God started the family line of Jesus with Abraham. Without him, Jesus could not have been born.
  • 1728 BCE


    Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Then he saved all of Egypt and its surrounding countries from famine. Egypt might have no longer existed without Joseph. Joseph also saved a lot of people.
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses and the Exodus

    Moses sent 10 Plagues when Pharaoh wouldn't let God's people go. He parted the Red Sea and the Egyptian armies died. God used his people to make a way for Jesus. He also used them to defeat a lot of Canaan.
  • 1445 BCE

    The Ten Commandments

    God gave Moses Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. He came down and the Israelites were worshipping a golden calf. These Commandments taught people how to live. They also helped the Israelites worship God.
  • 1406 BCE

    Settling Canaan

    They defeated Jericho by knocking down the walls. They defeated as far as they could before they started worshipping idols. This gave the Israelites some land to settle themselves in. They used this as a base of their land.
  • Period: 1011 BCE to 971 BCE


    David was a good king. He liked to play the harp. Jesus descended from David. David also tried to lead the Israelites in the right direction.
  • Period: 971 BCE to 931 BCE

    Solomon and Building the Temple

    Solomon was very wise but eventually started to worship idols. He built the first temple and had a lot of wives. Solomon's wisdom is in Proverbs and is important for people reading the bible today. Solomon also prevented a lot of quarrels and fights.
  • 931 BCE

    The Division of the Kingdom

    Ten Tribes went North and became the Northern Kingdom. The Tribes of Judah and Benjamin became the Southern Kingdom and the Tribe of Judah. This started a whole different story about the Israelites. It also set apart the Tribe of Judah from the other tribes because Jesus was different and born from the tribe of Judah.
  • 722 BCE

    The Assyrian Conquest of Israel

    Shalmaneser laid siege to Israel for three years. He died so Sargon finished the siege. All 10 Tribes of the Northern Kingdom were lost so only Judah was left, making it even more special. Israel could have listened to God, and they probably wouldn't have been sieged, but it also could be part of God's plan.
  • 722 BCE

    Sennacherib vs. Hezekiah

    Hezekiah stopped paying taxes to Assyria. They built a wall and a tunnel to bring water in case of war. This was important because Judah prepared for war, making them harder to defeat. This added a war to the country, making it more confusing.
  • Period: 605 BCE to 538 BCE


    Nebuchadnezzar took Daniel to Babylon. Daniel also survived in a lion's den after being arrested by some bad officials. No one would have believed in God if Daniel had not survived. I think for Daniel to be thrown into the lion's den was part of God's plan.
  • 586 BCE

    The Babylonian Conquest of Judah

    Nebuchadnezzar conquered and destroyed Judah. Zedekiah tried to escape but was caught. Now Judah has been conquered and Jesus will be born into what was a conquered tribe. That also shows that he was conquered on the cross.
  • Period: 586 BCE to 536 BCE

    The Exile

    Most survivors from the conquest of Jerusalem settled around the city of Babylon. The term Jew starts to be used. It showed that God could do anything he needed to, like put them in exile. They stayed there, showing God's strictness.
  • 538 BCE

    Cyrus the Great

    Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon, setting people free from exile. He also issued a law that allowed the Jews to return to Canaan and rebuild the temple. Cyrus the Great helped a lot of God's people. If not for him, the Israelites may have never gotten out of exile.