Jewish Diaspora
This is when the Roman conquered Israel. Then all of the Jewish people were scattered. They weren't scattered in Israel they were sent out of Israel. -
Oct 13, 614
The Persian Invasion
The Persian invade countries -
Oct 9, 1096
The First Crusade
This was a serious of wars that were between the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. -
Oct 9, 1099
Crusaders Capture Jerusalem
When the Crusaders capture Jerusalem they have a gaint massacure. That day they lost tens of thouaands of Jewish citizens. -
Oct 15, 1348
The Black Plage
A plage is like a diasese. Except much worst. This happend in many countries around this time. -
Oct 13, 1564
Jewish Code of Laws
This is the fist sets of Jewish Laws. -
Jewish Migration
During this time there were a ton of massacures. Which led to a migration -
Conflict between the Jews and Arab Population
This is one of the many conflict between the two people on who gets Israel. -
The First World War
This is when we went to war with many different countries. -
World War Two
This is when Adolf Hitler captured Jews and put them in consitration camps. More than 6 million Jews were killed in this period. -
The Partition of Palestinians
This is when the british broke there promis and kept making Arab states -
Israel is founded as a state
Israel now becomes a state -
The War of Independence
This is a war when Arab would not copromise so the went to war. -
Jews take Half of Arab State
The Jew got sick of not being able to live where they wanted to live, because god gave that land to them. That they stole half of the Arab State. -
Sinia Campiagn
This is another war between these arch enemies -
Adolf Erichmann
Tis is when Adolf had tried to executed people in Israel. -
The Six Day War
Isreal expaneds its territory -
October War
The Egypt couldn't stand that Isralies has control of Sinia. -
Israel invades Lebanon
Isreal goes and drives out the Paleistinian's of the land. -
Paleistinians Come back
The Paleistinians come back and try regain the land the Jews took from them. -
Oslo Aggrement
They introduces the two states solution to the two people. -
Jordan and Isreal Sign Peace Treaty
This event was when Jordan and Isreal wanted peace between the tow countries. So they signed a peace treaty. -
9/11 Attacks
Israel declares September 11, 2001 as National Mourn Day. -
Hezbollah War
In this time period there were many massive rockets shot and many people were killed -
Israel and Palestinains trade Attacks
The battle rages on between these two countries for who giets Israel once and for all.