Jewish Diaspora
Romans pushed Jews out of their homes. -
Oct 14, 601
The Arabs conquered Israel -
Oct 8, 1020
Jewish Monarchy Established
Saul, had made a monarchy from all of his success. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Oct 9, 1517
Ottoman Rule
The land was divided into four districts. -
Coming back
Jews start coming back to Israel. -
Theres is a conflict between the Jewish and Arab people -
First World War
The very first world war had started. -
British take control
British armies take down the Turks and take control of Israel. -
World War II
Six million jews were killed by the Nazis. -
Bomb Dropper
The U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.http://www.datesandevents.org/places-timelines/26-timeline-history-of-israel.htm -
Israel/ Independence
Israel declares independence -
Arab-Israeli War
Few hours after independence, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq attack Israel. -
Nation of Israel made
The nation of Israel was established.http://www.datesandevents.org/places-timelines/26-timeline-history-of-israel.htm -
New State
The state of Israel was established. -
Arab-Israeli War ends
The Arab-Israeli war ends on January 1st, 1949. -
Taking Half
Israel takes half of the Arab state -
Sinia Campaign
In eight years, the IDF took over the Gaze Strip and the Sinia Peninsula. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Six-Day War
Israel takes over Jersualemhttp://www.aboutbibleprophecy.com/e42.htm -
Israel Captures Jerusalem
Israel captures Jerusalem -
Peace Treaty
Israel makes a peace treaty with Egypt. -
Official Language
Hebrew becomes the official language of Israel -
New Government
The new government was ran by Yitzhak Rabin. -
Prime Minister Assassination
Prime minsiter Rabin was assassinated at a peace rally. -
First Temple Built
The first temple was built and it was built in Jeruslaem by King Solomon. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php -
Kingdom divided into Judah and Israel
After Solomon's death, there was freedom to break away from the kingdom and people did. http://contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php