Israel Timeline

  • 135

    The Jews were defeated and forbidden to live in Judea

    They were forbidden to live in Judea
  • 711

    Muslims take control of Spain

  • Theodore Herzl began trying to restore israel

    He was restoring israel
  • The Dreyfus Affair in which Captain Alfred Dreyfus a Jewish officer in the French army is convicted for treason (falsely)

  • Publication of the Jewish state by Theodore Herzl

  • Pogroms against Jews

    Hundreds of thousands of Jews join 2.25 million no Jews fleeting to the west
  • Great Britain, during World War I,

    Balfour Declaration, promising a Jewish national home in Palestine
  • Arab anti Jewish riots in Palestine

    They rioted a lot
  • British mandates

    British takes control of Iraq and Palestine’s
  • British takes control

    They make server restrictions on the Jewish
  • France funds

    Farce is funding the Jewish extremeist
  • The British Lets the United Nations take control

    United Nations decides to let 55% of Israel to be Jewish
  • The British mandated again

    They now mandate over Palestinians
  • The Quartet Group is making plans for the Jewish

    The Jewish are getting planned from The Quartet group
  • Palestinian do not have very much land anymore the Jewish are ruling israel