israel timeline

  • 4004 BCE


    God created the world by speaking into existance.
    It was a perfect world with no suffering no pain no death.
    God made man then created woman.
    God created people with a pourpuse to fill subdue and have dominion over the earth
  • 2349 BCE

    The flood

    The flood made huge changes in the earths geography.
    The force of the water was enough to carve the grand canyon.
    Noah was 480 years old when God told him to build an ark.
    It took Noah 120 years to build the ark
  • 2166 BCE


    Before God told him to leave Ur he believed in many gods.
    His name was abram and once God spoke to him he believed on the one and only God.
    Abram changed his name to abarham .
    God promised to bless Abarham God told him all the nations of the world would be blessed thruough him.
  • 1728 BCE


    Joseph was made the second highest ruler in Egypt.
    Joseph was very kind he gave food water and a portion of good land to live in when famine struck.
    God enables Joseph to enterpert the pharoahs dream.
    Joseph oversaw the storehouses to prepare for the famine
  • 1445

    ten commandments

    God created these laws for the beievers of him.
    They followed these ruled like God told them too.
    `The laws made the nation work so well.
    unfourtanately the israelites broke those ruels.
  • 1446

    moses and the exodus

    leaving egypt led them to the sinai wilderness.
    God declared that israel would be set apart from the other nations.
    Isreal will be a blessing to them.
    Moses became the leader of egypt.