israel timeline

  • creation 4004 BC

    god made the world. then he made animals. next he made people. they don't were cloths and there names were adam and eve.
  • the flood 2349 BC

    god made some guy named Noah build a boat. so Noah did. then god made it rain and everyone died except Noah and his family. then god made rainbows as a promise not to kill everyone again.
  • joseph sold into slavery 1728 bc

    Joseph was a spoiled little kid that bragged a lot. then he annoyed his brothers to much. so they through him in a hole. last they sold him.
  • moses and the exodus 1446 bc

    moses started to use his staff for goodness. then he kill small children. next mose made the reed sea split in half. last mose drowned everyone
  • abraham born in 2166 bc

    abraham loved god a lot. he obeyed god. then his wife got pregnant. next god made him kill his child. last god said jk.
  • settling Canaan begins 1406

    isreal started to take over. they took out a lot of cities. and then they won last they were mean to god.
  • the ten commandments 1445 bc

    one day moses went up the side of mount sinia. and god gave him ten commandments. next moses went down but the people were worshiping a cow so he broke it. last he got replacments.
  • david 1011-971 bc

    david was a sheperd. but a guy wanted to anoint him so he went and got anointed. then he killed a giant with a rock. last he became king
  • Solomon and Building the Temple 971-931 bc

    it took a long time. and it was for god. and god liked it. last it had gold
  • the division of the kingdom 931 bc

    the kingdom divided into a lot of small kingdoms. there was a bunch. they were friends. but not a big kingdom.
  • Sennacherib vs. Hezekiah 709

    they did not like each other. so they fought. sennacherib won. and killed everyone
  • The Assyrian Conquest of Israel 722 bc

    the assyrians tried to take isreal. it got the north half. but the other half made it. so the assyrians are bad.
  • The Exile 586-536

    the people got kicked out. they were sad. people had taken there kingdom. and they almost died.
  • The Babylonian Conquest of Judah 586 bc

    the babylons took over judah. a lot of people died. others were enslaved. the king died.
  • Daniel (In Babylon from 605 and died sometime after 538) bc

    daniel loved god. but people didn't like it. so they through him in a lions den. but god saved him.
  • Cyrus the Great (538) bc

    he was the king of Persia. he fought a lot. and had strange dreams. then he died.