U.N. plan to Partition Palestine
On November 29, 1947, the U.N. planned to partition the land between Egypt and Trans Jordan. -
Israel Declares Independence
The Independence of Israel was given to them in May 14, 1948. It was shorty before the expiration of the British Mandate -
Arab-Israeli War
The Arab-Israeli war was a war that lasted from May 19, 1948 to March 1949.The goal of the goal was to get control over the Palestine region . -
Suez Crisis
The Suez Crisis, or also know as the Second Arab–Israeli War, was a war that started October 1956. The conflict was over the Suez Canal -
Formation of PLO
The PLO, or Palestine Liberation Organization, was created on May 28, 1964. -
Six Day War
The Six Day War was a war that lasted 6 days.(From June 5 to June 10) The war was fought between Israel and the neighboring countries,Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. -
Yom Kippur War
The Yom Kippur War, or the Ramadan War, was a war that was fought by a combination of many Arab states, with Egypt and Israel making up for most of the population -
Lebanon War
The Lebanon Civil War was a War that lasted from 1975, to 1990. The war caused around 120,000 casualties and displaced many people from their homes. -
The Oslo Accords
The Oslo Accords was an agreement signed by Israel and the PLO bringing all of the conflicts between them to rest