Israel Palestine

  • Period: Mar 21, 1517 to

    Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Turks take Cairo, rule entire Middle East from Constantinople (Istanbul) for 400 years
  • The First Aliyah

    Organised Zionist movement founded in Russia. A wave of Jewish immigration (the 'First Aliyah') to Turkish Palestine begins.
  • The First Zionist Congress

    The First Zionist Congress
    First Zionist Congress in Basel found World Zionist Organization chaired by Theodor Herzl
  • Zionism is Found

    Zionism is Found
    Zionism is founded by Theodor Herzl
  • Period: to

    Second Aliyah

    Second wave of Jewish immigration from eastern Europe.
  • Period: to


    The Allies defeat Turkey
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    The British seize Palestine from the Ottomans and make it the national home for the Jews through the Balfour Declaration.
  • British Invasion

    British Invasion
    British General, Allenby, invades Jerusalem
  • First Arab Riots

    First Arab Riots
    Jewish population is attacked by Arab rioters
  • First Jewish Election

    Elections for Jewish parliament take place for the first time.
  • League of Nations Approves Mandate

    League of Nations Approves Mandate
    Approval for the British Mandate for Palestine by the League of Nations.
  • Period: to

    Arabs Reject Power Sharing with Jews

    Arabs reject the British attempts at creating peace between Jews and Arabs.
  • Period: to


    World War 2 begins and over 6 million Jews are killed.
  • Period: to

    Arab and Jewish Refugees

    Thousands of Arabs go leave the newly established Israel and vice versa, thousands of Jews leave Arab countries to go back to Israel
  • Israel becomes a nation

    Israel becomes a nation
    Israel gains independence and is officially a nation. The first Prime Minister of Israel is David Ben-Gurion.
  • Period: to

    Guerilla Attacks on Israel

    Guerrilla attacks into Israel fro Gaza and West Bank are supported by Egypt an Jordan.
  • Sinai Crisis

    Sinai Crisis
    Egypt takes control over Suez Canal and closes it off to Israel. Israel invades Gaza and the Sinai.
  • The PLO is established

    The PLO is established
    The PLO is founded in order to "liberate" Palestine from the Zionists.
    To liberate Palestine from the Zionists, the Palestine Liberation Organization was started.
  • Period: to

    The Six Day War

    A war between Israel and Arab countries that lasted for six days. Israel strikes first, defeats Egypt, Jordan and Syria.
  • UN Resolution 242

    UN creates a peace agreement in which Israel agrees with and the Arabs reject.
  • The War of Attrition

    The War of Attrition
    A war between Egypt and Israel. This was an attempt from Egypt to get the Sinai Peninsula back.
  • Period: to

    PLO and International Terrorism

    The PLO attack Jews all around the world
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    A war that took place on the Jews holiest day of the year. The war was an attempt by Egypt and Syria to take back land that was taken from them by Israel.
  • Peace with Egypt

    Peace with Egypt
    Israel and Egypt sign a peace treaty that ends 30 years of war.
  • The Lebanon War

    The Lebanon War
    After years of attacks from Lebanon, Israel fights back and invades and throws out the PLO
  • First "Intifada"

    First "Intifada"
    A Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Lasted until 1993
  • Hamas

    A Palestinian group created with the sole purpose of destroying Israel
  • Period: to

    The Gulf War

    A war that was triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.
  • The Madrid Conference

    The Madrid Conference
    A peace conference that took place in Madrid, Spain with the participation of Israel, Syria, Lebanon and a Jordanian-Palestinian delegation, all coming with willingness to a peace treaty.
  • The Oslo Process

    The Oslo Process
    Progression made with peace between Israel and PLO
  • Palestinian Authority

    Palestine gets power over some areas in Gaza and the West Bank
  • Peace with Jordan

    Peace with Jordan
    Israel and Jordan make peace. Jordan becomes the 2nd Arab country to make peace with Israel.
  • Oslo II Agreement

    Israel gives Palestine more land
  • Rabin assasination

    Rabin assasination
    He was the fifth Prime Minister of Israel. Was assassinated by Yigal Amir
  • The Second Intifada

    The Second Intifada
    Formed due to disagreement on the peace treaty terms between Israelis and Palestinians.
  • Operation "Defensive Shield"

    In order to get rid of the terrorist infrastructure, Israel reinvades several major Palestinian Cities.
  • Israel's Security Barrier

    Israel's Security Barrier
    To prevent suicide bombers from entering, Israel builds a barrier on the West bank
  • Withdrawal from Gaza

    Israel leaves Gaza and evacuates 8000 Jewish settlers.
  • The Second Lebanon War

    A war that went on for about a month between Israel and Hezbollah. Began when Hezbollah guerillas killed several Israel Defense Force soldiers and abducted 2.
  • Period: to

    The Gaza War

    A war between Israel and the Hamas. Began as a result of the Hamas firing rockets into Israel.
  • Jerusalem bus stop bombing

    Hamas bombed a bus station in Jerusalem killing 1 civilian and injuring 39.
  • southern Israel cross-border attacks

    Militants from Palestine an Egypt attack Southern Israel killing several people.