Israel History Timeline

  • 4004 BCE


    When God created the heavens and the earth. God made all the animals on the earth. God made man and woman.
    He made Everything we know today
  • 2349 BCE


    God sent a huge world wide flood over the earth. God was angry at everyone. He had Noah Build a huge boat to carry 2 of every animal. He killed everyone except for Noah, his sons, and their wives
  • 2166 BCE


    Abraham's descendants would be a great nation. God had a big plan for Abraham. Abraham was Born in 2166BC. Abraham believed in God.
  • 1728 BCE


    Was sold into slavery in 1728. He became the second most important person in all of Egypt. He was his dads favorite child. He trusted God very much
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses and the Exodus

    Moses and the Exodus
    Moses casts 10 plagues on Egypt. Moses frees Israel from Egypt. They travel 40 years instead of 11 days. Moses kills an Egyptian and runs away from Egypt
  • 1445 BCE

    The Ten Commandments

    The Ten Commandments
    Moses get told by God to go onto a Mountain. God gives Moses 10 tablets with commandments on them. God commands everyone to obey these commandments but we don't. Moses obeys God and takes them.
  • 1406 BCE

    Settling Canaan

    Settling Canaan
    Israel conquered Canaan. They established their own city-states. It gave them their own land. Israel escaped slavery.
  • 1011 BCE


    David became king in in 1011BC and died in 971BC. David had a 40 year reign. David killed a 9ft man. David trusts God very much.
  • 971 BCE

    Solomon and Building the Temple

    Solomon and Building the Temple
    Solomon Builds the first temple. he constructed the temple from 966BC to 957BC. Solomon's reign lasts for 40 years like Davids. Solomon's Temple on the inside is made out of pure gold.
  • 931 BCE

    The Division of the kingdom

    The Division of the kingdom
    Israel split into 12 tribes. 10 of the tribes formed the Northern Kingdom and the other 2 formed the Southern Kingdom. The northern tribes kept the name Israel and the Southern tribes took the name Judah. They split because Rehoboam said said that he would rule them more severely.
  • 722 BCE

    The Assyrian Conquest of Israel

    The Assyrian Conquest of Israel
    Assyrian Conquered Israel. They relocated the wealthy and important people from the northern tribes or Israel. The Israelites were assimilated into the Assyrian culture. The tribes of Israel were gone.
  • 709 BCE

    Sennacerib vs. Hezakiah

    Sennacerib vs. Hezakiah
    Sennacherib-Took the Israelite's captive. conquered Israel. Hezekiah- enacted Sweeping religious forms. Made a strict mandate for the sole worship of Yahweh. Hezekiah won the war they had.
  • 605 BCE


    Was thrown into a lions den. God closed the mouth's of the lion. Trusted God so much that he let them do it. God threw Nebuchadnezzar the 2nd and his family instead.
  • 586 BCE

    The Exile

    The Exile
    Nebuchadnezzar conquered and destroyed Jerusalem.
    Jerusalem fell after a prolonged siege. Thousands of people were deported to Babylon. The palace and temple were burned to the ground
  • 586 BCE

    The Babylon Conquest of Judah

    The Babylon Conquest of Judah
    King Nebuchadnezzar The 2nd besieged Jerusalem.The rebellious king was killed, and many of his people were exiled to Babylon. The king's wickedness had accelerated the deterioration of the people of Judah. He was succeeded by his young son Jehoiachin, who continued to resist the Babylonians but was defeated within three months.
    (This was copyrighted) just so you know
  • 538 BCE

    Cyrus the Great

    Cyrus the Great
    Exile officially ended when Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon in 539BC. The Jews could return to their homeland and rebuild their temple. Around 538, Zerubbabel led a group of over sixty thousand back to Jerusalem. They rebuilt the temple from 520 to 515BC