Israel history timeline

  • 135

    Rome destroyed juruslam

    Romans killed 580,000 Jews during the war
  • 164

    jews regain independence for part of there homeland

    a Jewish rebel army fought against Greek rule and regained some of there land back.
  • 175

    Greek Ruler Antichues Epiphanes torments the jews

    Greek ruler Antiochus Epiphanes ruled Syria from about 175 BC to about 164 BC.
  • 333

    Greek Begins to rule isreael

  • Oct 12, 721

    Assryans conquer northernkingdom of isreail

    violent war
  • Oct 12, 1400

    no kings only judges

    they start to have judges and no kings
  • Oct 12, 1446

    Exodus begins

  • jews start returning to homeland

    During the late 1800s, many Jews returned to their ancient homeland of Israel.
  • Arab Israel war

    war between isreael and Arab
  • 6 day War

    6 day war in 1967
  • Gulf War

    War took place
  • The Peace agreement between Israel and Jordan was signed.

    It was no more fighting
  • Isreael is a divided kingdom

  • Cyrus releases Jews from Babylonian Captivity

    jews realeased
  • God promises Aberham many descendant

    God made a promise