Theodor Herzl
Theodor Herzl was an Austrian Jewish Journalist, he was considered the founder of modern zionism. he argued that for Jewish people to be free from segregation, they would have to have their own Jewish state, being Israel. He published a pamphlet called Der Judenstaat that helped him launch zionism as a political movement. He spent the rest of his life advancing. -
The McMahon-Hussein correspondence
The McMahon-Hussein correspondence was a series of letters that were exchanged in world war 1. In these letters the British government agreed that they would recognise Arab independences after the war. The letters were exchanged between Hussein bin Ali, the Sherif of Mecca and Lieutenant Colonel Sir Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner to Egypt. These letters convinced Palestinians that Britain would support their land to have their own homeland, once the Ottoman empire was defeated. -
Sykes-Picot agreement
The Sykes-Picot agreement was a secret agreement between the French and British government during World War 1. The agreement was about the distribution of the Ottoman empire. This agreement led to Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon being divided into various French and British areas. In the agreement, Russia acquired Armenian provinces. The French acquired Lebanon and the Syrian coast. The British acquired Mesopotamia. Because Palestine was a holy place, it was under international control. -
The British taking Palestine from the Ottoman empire
The ottoman empire ruled over Palestine for around 400 years. During this year, the British seized Palestine from the Ottoman empire. The Europe empire seized Palestine from the Ottoman empire during world war 1 due to The Ottoman empire having to retreat from the them. The French took parts of the Ottoman and so did the British (who took Palestine). Europe achieved this by collapsing the Turkish defence line from Beersheba to Gaza. -
The Balfour Declaration
The Balfour Declaration is the opposite to the The McMahon‐Hussein Correspondence, instead of supporting Palestine as being independent, they support the establishment of Palestine being the homeland for Jews. The letter was made by Arthur James Balfour The declaration, fell short of zionist expectations. They asked for Palestine to be 'the' Jewish homeland, however the declaration says “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities." -
Palestine Riots
The Palestine Riots were a series of violent events that occurred in Palestine. The 28th of October riots were initiated by the Arab Executive Committee. The riots happened because of Arab resentment to the migrations of Jews during world war 1. The second mass riot happened at Jaffa in October, also known as the "Jaffa massacre" by Palestinians. after police gun fire killed 19 and injured 70. -
United nations partition plan
After the Holocaust happened in Europe, a lot of people and countries were sympathetic towards the Jew extremity. The United nations partition plan was a plan proposed by the united nation for Palestine. On the 29th of November 1947, the UN General Assembly approved the plan as Resolution 181. This plan allowed Palestinians to acquire 45% of the land and allowed Israelis to acquire 55%. Palestinians made up 67% of the population while Israel only made up 33%. -
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Arab-Israeli war
The Arab-Israeli war was fought between the State of Israel and a military coalition between the Arab states. The war was about the the control over the former British Palestine. As a result of the war 750,000 Palestinian arabs fled or were expelled and a million Jew refugees migrated. By the end of the war Israel controlled both the area that the Resolution 181 had recommended as well as almost 60% of the area of Arab state proposed by the 1948 Partition Plan. -
Israel established as a state
In 1948, David Ben-Gurion, who was the head of the Jewish agency, announced Israel as a state. This was the first Jewish state established in 2,000 years. In a ceremony held on the 14th of May, the chairman, Ben-Gurion stated "We hereby proclaim the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine, to be called Israel. Earlier in this day the British army had withdrawn, allowing a fight between Jews and Arabs to occur, including countries around Palestine such as Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Syria. -
Palestine Liberation Organisation
The Palestine Liberation Organisation was established in 1964. The purpose of the group was the liberation of Palestine through its armed struggle, most of its violence was aimed at Israeli civilians. The PLO was considered to be a terrorist group by the united nation and Israel until the Madrid conference in 1991. In 1993 PLO decided to reject violence and terrorism after recognising Israels right to exist in peace. -
The six day war
The six day war started on the 5th of June 1967 to the 10th of June 1967. The war was between Israel and Egypt, Syria and Jordan. The war, although short, changed the geography of the middle east for decades to come. After years of tension, Israel launched air strikes that destroyed the air forces of Egypt and its allies. By the end of the war Israel had taken control of the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza strip fro Egypt. The West bank and East Jerusalem from Egypt and the Golan Heights from Syria. -
Land day
Land day is now an annual day of commemoration for Arabs in Israel/Palestine. On this day in 1976, a strike and many marches were organised after the Israeli government announced a plan to confiscate land for state purposes. In the following confrontations that occurred including the Israeli and the police, six unarmed Arab civilians were killed and around one hundred were injured, a hundred more were arrested. land day is recognised a pivotal day in the struggle over land. -
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The First Intifada
On the 6th of December, an Israeli was stabbed to death while shopping in Gaza. A couple days later, 4 refugees were run over and killed by an Israeli Jeep in Jabalya. This was the beginning of the first intifada. By the 12th of December, 6 Palestinians had died and 30 injured. Attacks including bombs, poison, guns and more occurred. By the end,16 Israeli Israeli civilians and 11 soldiers were killed. 1,400 civilians were injured and 1,700 were injured. Around 1,100 Palestinians were killed. -
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Olso peace process
The Oslo accords, established a timeline for the Middle East peace process. The accords were a historic point in the Arab-Israeli relations. During the peace process Israel recognised the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the representative of Palestinian people and the PLO recognised Israel as a state. The peace process started at the white house where Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organisation Negotiator Mahmoud Abbas signed a Declaration of Principles. -
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Second intifada
The second intifada was sparked by the then opposition leader walking into a mosque in Jerusalem, the mosque was regarded as the 3rd holiest site in Islam. The controversial act provoke anger from the muslim population. 7 Palestinians were killed by security forces when defending the mosque. The death toll included 3,000 Palestinians and 1,000 Israelis. The intifada was established to express the disappointment of disrespect and denial of rights for Palestine, even after the peace accords. -
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Seperation barrier
Since 2002, Israel has been building a barrier in the West bank, along the Green Line. Israelis consider it to be a security wall keeping terrorism out although Palestinians consider the barrier to be racial segregation. The barrier stretches 708 km long. Only 15% of the border runs along the Green line while 85% cuts into West Bank, sometimes 18 km deep.This leaves around 25,000 Palestinians isolated from the rest of West Bank. The wall was built during the second intifada. -
Withdrawal of settlements from Gaza Strip
The withdrawal of settlements from Gaza Strip was called the disengagement plan. The Gaza strip was home to more then 8,500 Jewish settlers and around 1.3 million Palestinians. Starting on August 15, Israeli troops oversaw the evacuation of Israeli settlers from 21 different communities. However, Gaza is still under occupation. Israel controls Gaza airspace, territorial waters, supply of essential products and services such as water and electricity, taxes and population registry. -
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Gaza war
The Gaza war was an armed conflict inside the Gaza strip that lasted for 3 weeks . The war was between Palestinians and Israelis. Israel stated that the goal of the conflict was to stop Palestinian rocket fire into Israel and weapon smuggling into Gaza, however Hamas stated that the rocket fire was a response to Israeli military actions. The death toll included 1,400 Palestinians killed, this included 900 civilians, 344 of these civilians being children. Only 13 Israelis were killed, 3 civilians -
Israel and Gaza conflict
The 2014 Israel-Gaza was also known as Operation Protective edge. The conflict was a military operation started by Israel in 2014 in Gaza strip, which was at the time ruled by Hamas, a fundamentalist group. The conflict started after the kidnapping and murder of 3 Israeli teenagers by Hamas. After this happened, Hamas fired rockets at Israel starting the seven week conflict. 2,200 Palestinians, 65% of this number were civilians, were killed. 66 Israeli soldiers and 6 civilians were also killed. -
Gaza border protests
A 6 week campaign made up of a series of protest started on 30 March 2018. The protests were launched at the Gaza Strip along the Gaza-Israel border. The protests called for Palestinian refugees and descendant who fled or were kicked out to be allowed to return to the land they were taken from, know known as Israel. The are also protesting the movement of the United Staes embassy to Jerusalem. 168 Palestinian protesters were killed by Israeli military, 23 under 18, 2 journalist and 2 paramedics. -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_War_(2008%E2%80%9309) -
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