
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    Beocming the State of Israel
  • Flag

    Israel made a State Flag
  • Six Day War

    Israel expanded their territory
  • Israeli Submarine

    The israeli subarine sunk in the mediterranean killing 69 people.
  • Egypt attacks Israel

    Egypt attacks territory ocuppied by Israel
  • Israel invades Lebanon

  • West Bank Fence

    Built West Bank Fence along the Green Line border to protect Israel from Suicide Bombing Attacks.
  • Stroke

    The prime minister fell into a coma from a stroke.
  • War

    The second Lebanon war took place
  • Nuclear Reactor

    Nuclear Reactor
    Israeli Air Force destoryed a suspected nuclear reactor
  • Israel and Palestinians

    Israel and Palestinians
    The Palestinians and Israel continue to trade attacks.
  • Benjamin Netanyahu

    Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu becomes Prime Minister
  • Ships

    Israeli captured ships
  • Forest Fire

    Forest Fire
    A Forest Fire rages in Israel. It was the largest recorded in Israel history.
  • Mossad Agents abducted Adolf Eichmann

    Mossad Agents abducted Adolf Eichmann
    Four Mossad Agents abducted the fugitive Adolf Eichmann to be tried for his part in the Holocaust.