
  • 1200 BCE

    Canaan Begins

    Canaan Begins
    The Hebrews settle in Canaan after fleeing the civilization of egypt with moses. I believe that this event is important because it shows how the country of israel first originated
  • 1100 BCE


    The Canaanites are in 12 tribes and had a nomadic way of life. During their fighting one king was united under them. This king's name was Saul, and he has created the country of Israel. This event is important because this is when Israel was first called by its own name.
  • 1050 BCE


    King David had developed Canaan and created its capital, Jerusalem, later in his reign. he later created the tradition of creating covenants for both people and god. I think that this event is important because this is when the capital of Canaan was first created.
  • 1000 BCE

    King Solomon

    King Solomon
    King Davids son, Solomon became the next king after David. During his reign, Israel had reached even greater heights. This event is significant because it shows Israels last ruler, and Israel at the pinnacle of their success.
  • 980 BCE

    Solomon's Temple

    Solomon's Temple
    The Israelite's had good relations with the neighboring countries, so their trading flourished. Solomon used the money to build his own temple. I think this is one of the most significant because the temple became a symbol of the country.
  • 940 BCE

    Solomon's Death

    Solomon's Death
    Solomon's death was a huge tragedy all around Israel. it became so bad, Israel split into two territories, Israel and Judah. This is important because this is when the country had split in two.
  • 720 BCE


    The Assyrians invade and capture the kingdom of northern Israel. This event is important because it shows Israel finally being captured by another country.
  • 580 BCE


    Babylon captures Jerusalem first temple and exiles the Jews over to Babylon. This event is important because it shows yet another time of another country invading Israel.
  • 530 BCE


    The Persians eventually defeat the Babylonians, allowing the Jews to return. This is important because it shows the Jews finally return to their home country, Israel.
  • 70

    Jerusalem's End

    Jerusalem's End
    The Roman Emperor Titus destroys another Jewish rebellion, and demolishes the capital of Jerusalem. This event is important because it represents the end of the capital of Jerusalem.