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Ism's and Revolutions - 19th Century

  • The Sorrows of the Young Werther

    Romantic literature
  • Reflections on the Revolutions in France

    A book reflecting the French Revolution.
  • Essay on the Principles of Population

    By Thomas Malthus, this discusses that a population growth leads to poverty
  • Britain's Act of Union

    Britain absorbed Ireland and Cotton and made the Union Jack flag.
  • Robert Owen opened New Lanark

    Robert Owen had recently acquired this territory.
  • Bourbon Restoration

    Louis XVIII Was restored to the French throne
  • Louis XVIII reigned in France

    Brother of Louis XVI reigned in France after the Bourbon Restoration.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Undid what Napoleon had done and restore power throughout Europe.
  • Concert of Europe created

    Was to resolve power throughout Europe.
  • Britain's Corn Laws

    Laws to prevent cheap crops from the Americas from being imported.
  • Tsar Alexander I reigns in Russia

    The Russian Tsar taking the throne.
  • "Iron Law of Wages" By Ricardo

    A reflection on wages due to industrialization.
  • Congress of Aix-La-Chapelle

    Was to speak of Napoleon's wrongdoings and how to fix them.
  • Peterloo Massacare

    Due to the high grain prices, British commoners were fired upon by military personnel.
  • Carlsbad Decrees

    Restricted liberal and national group assemblies
  • Congress of Troppau

    Met to suppress the revolution in Naples
  • Prometheus Unbound

    By Percy Bysshe Shelley, this is a dramatic act.
  • Congress of Laibach

    Discussed the impacts of Napoleon.
  • Greek Independence

    The Greeks declared independence from Ottoman control.
  • Congress of Verona

    Last set of meetings from the Quadruple Alliance
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Prevented European powers from retaking their former colonies.
  • Frankenstein

    By Mary Shelley, this book created the pop culture icon known as Frankenstein's Monster.
  • Charles X Reigns

    After his brother Louis XVIII dies, he takes the throne.
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Russian military revolted against Nicholas I's succession.
  • Second French Revolution

    Lead to the overthrow of Charles X
  • Louis-Napoleon Comes to Power In France

    The new king of France came to power.
  • July Revolution

    The second French Revolution.
  • First Belgian Revolution

    Belgium and the Netherlands separated
  • Young Italy Created

    A group dedicated to enlightenment in Italy.
  • Britain's Reform Bill of 1832

    Adopted socialist ideas to thwart a revolution.
  • The Zollverein Created

    A Germanic customs union to manage tariffs.
  • Young Germany created

    A group dedicated to enlightenment in Germany.
  • Flora Tristan published Worker's Union

    A criticism on the workplace environment, and how the rights of workers needed to be protected.
  • The People's Charter

    Was to push democracy
  • Irish Potato Famine

    Ireland had a major bad harvest causing emigration from Ireland.
  • Third French Revolution

    Resulted in the overthrow of king Louis-Philippe
  • Louis-Philippe reigned in France

    He ruled from 1830 to 1848
  • Frankfurt Assembly

    Was an attempt at German unification
  • June Days

    A violent French uprising
  • Revolution in Italy

    Lead by the kingdom of Sardinia
  • The Communist Manifesto

    Karl Marx's ideology of Communism.
  • On Liberty

    By Mill, this is about how utilitarianism and liberty are important.
  • Frederick William IV Reigned In Prussia

    The Prussian king
  • Second Belgian Revolution

    Belgium underwent a revolution
  • Das Kapital

    Karl Marx's criticism on capitalism.