Island of Spies Timeline

  • WAR

    The war starts and changes everything.
  • Papa

    Stick's papa comes back but then leaves when Stick doesn't want him to.
  • Spies?

    Suspicious baseball players show up at the island.
  • WAR

    War comes to the island that Stick, Rain, and Neb live at.
  • More spies?

    Two artists(?) come to the island as tourists. The names are Julia and Dirk.
  • Suspicious

    Julia starts following Stick, Rain, and Neb.
  • papa

    There are remains of crew and ship parts of papa's ship.
  • Carl is a spy?

    Carl, Ralph, and Alfred plan to explode some of the island, but Stick's sister, Faye, and her troop stops them.
  • FBI?

    Stick and her friends find out Mrs. Agnes and Ms. Julia are part of the FBI.
  • Rain

    Mrs. Agnes finds an article about Rain's mother. It says how Rain winds up on the island.
  • PAPA

    Papa comes home.