Islamic contribution to astronomy timeline

  • 400 BCE

    first astronomical textbook

    first astronomical textbook
    The first astronomical textbook had all the knowledge of everything astronomical discovery.
  • 200 BCE


    The astrolabe was improved by Muslims
  • 164 BCE


    The Sundial was made by Ibn Al-Shatir so the people could tell time
  • 1190

    geocentric model

    geocentric model
    Around 1190, Al-BItruji published an alternative geocentric system to Ptolemy's model.
  • 1261


    The euatorium was built for the specific purpose to of seeing where the sun is.
  • 1582

    mechanical calendar or box of the moon

    mechanical calendar or box of the moon
    The mechanical calendar was made because they had no sense of time in term of months and years
  • theory of planetary motion

    theory of planetary motion
    The theory of planetary motion was made to prove that everything is moving.
  • tusi couple

    tusi couple
    The tusi couple is device that has a small circle orbiting a bigger cirlce