
  • 570

    muhammad is born

    muhammad is born
    the founder of islam is born
  • Period: 570 to


  • Mar 21, 610

    muhammad is prophet

    muhammad is visited by the angel gabriel to tell him he is the prophet
  • Mar 21, 622

    muhammad visits Mecca

    muhammad enters mecca peacefully and citizens begin to accept islam as their religion. muhammad then destroys all the statues in the quran and puts down one of god
  • Mar 21, 622

    islam is prosecuted

    islam is prosecuted and moves out of mecca and to Yashir
  • Mar 21, 633

    Muhammad passes

    Muhammad dies after a prolonged illness
  • Mar 21, 633

    abu akbar

    abu akbar the father in law to muhammad is selected as caliph
  • Mar 21, 655

    Islam spreads

    Islam spreads to north africa
  • Mar 21, 711

    Musslims migrate

    Musslims migrate
    Musslims move to spain and India
  • Mar 21, 1000

    continuous spread

    continuous spread
    islam spreads to africa an nigeria
  • Mar 21, 1299

    ottoman empire

    The earliest Ottoman state is formed in Anatolia, Turkey
  • Mar 21, 1453

    ottoman empire grows

    ottoman empire grows
    ottoman empire conqures byzantine and constantinople they change the name to istanbul
  • ottoman empire

    ottoman empire
    ottoman empire falls