

  • The search begins

    The search begins
    I had a few ideas for topics but nothing that was concrete. Volunteering stcuk out the most to me.
  • searching online

    searching online

    the volunteer center website

    I looked up volunteering online and researched organizations different organizations around the bay area.
  • Ask around

    I asked people i know if they knew of any organizations that I could volunteer at. I got some good advice and this made me want to learn more
  • Introduced to the JF Kapnek Trust

    Introduced to the JF Kapnek Trust
    My friend invited me to a fundraiser for this organization. She was already invovled in the organization and began to tell me more about it.
  • Learned about other organizations that relate to the JF Kapnek Trust

    There are other organizations that my friends volunteer at and they are connected with The JF Kapnek Trust
  • Continue Searching

    Continue Searching
    I continued to ask around and lok online for different organizations. you had to be 18 years old to volunteer at organizations that intrested me the most. I wanted to find more information about other teen volunteers and this web site helped me out with that. teens health volunteering
  • Famous Volunteers

    Celebrity volunteering<a href='http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBUcvOK9U7Q' >Brad Pitt Volunteering</a> "and we all have a lot of responsibility to look out for people that can't look out for themselves."-George Clooney said when talking about the earthquake in Hati
  • Champion Charities

    Champion Charities
    Champion CharitiesMy uncle, Harris Barton,has created his own charity with Ronnie Lott. Their organization is one that is trying to raise enough money to find a cure or a way to just help out people who have brain tumors.
  • The JF Kapnek Run

    The JF Kapnek Run
    I competed in the family run with my friend
  • Look inthe the JF KApnek Trust

    Look inthe the JF KApnek Trust
    Video about that they do
    The JF Kapnek Trust Found a lot more about this organization on their web site
  • Found more about what The Trust does and their programs

    Found more about what The Trust does and their programs
    The Trust's Prgrams The Trust has many different programs and they all help out Zimmbabwe.
  • Struggling

    I emailed and caled the JF Kapnek organization asking how I could help out and become a part of The Trust organization. I didn't gent a repsonse and still haven't