
Isaaerri TMTT Time LIne

  • Period: to


  • Section #1

    Section #1
    Nazi Germany has become vary dangerous for Benno and Heinz, Heinz and Charlie where chased by the [Hitler Youth.](:
  • Section #2

    Section #2
    Heinz and Benno are escaping from Germany because Hitler’s hatred to Jewish people and all of the Jewish laws being passed.
  • Section #3

    Section #3
    In this part of the book the boys (Heinz and Benno) Have entered Holland and are staying in Emmakinderhuis convent.
  • Section #4

    Section #4
    In this part of the book it showed how bad it really was for Benno and Heinz at the time of the war ending and they didn’t know where there parents are.
  • Section #5

    Section #5
    In this part of the book Benno and his family had gotten a letter from the Red Cross confirming that his parents and his brother where killed at Auschwitz concentration camp.