Period: to
Is history the history of progress?
U.S History final project
Josh Girard -
One of the first treaties with the Native Americans
One of the first treaties between colonists and Native Americans is signed as the Plymouth Pilgrims enact a peace pact with the Wampanoag Tribe, with the aid of Squanto, an English speaking Native American. -
King Charles
In England, King Charles I dissolves parliament and attempts to rule as absolute monarch, spurring many to leave for the American colonies -
Printing Press
The first colonial printing press is set up in Cambridge, Massachusetts. -
Slavery becomes legal in New England. -
Boston Massacure
Fives deaths of American soldiers, created patriotisim for both sides. -
Tea Party
Colonists dressed up as indians boreded a ship at night, fed up with the taxation of tea, through crates of tea into the harbour. -
Factory System
Products can be made on a much larger scale, and workers are paid on salary sor wages. -
Jacques Perrier invents a steamship it revolutionized trade. -
On July 4, 1776 American gained independence from Britian ruel. -
Crossing the Delaware
George Washington crossed the Delaware river under the darkness of night, to suprise and kill the troops in Johann Hill -
Shays's Rebellion
Shays's Rebellion erupts. Farmers take up arms to protest high state taxes and stiff penalties for failure to pay. -
Constitutional Convention
Constitutional Convention, made up of delegates from 12 of the original 13 colonies, meets in Philadelphia to draft the U.S. Constitution -
George Washington
George Washington is unanimously elected president of the United States in a vote by state electors. -
Bill of Rights
First ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, are ratified. -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney patented the Cotton Gin in 1794. it revolutionized the process of harvesting cotton. It increased the souths wealth. -
John Adams
Johm Adms is elected as the second president . -
War of 1812
Americans declared war in 1812 for several reasons, including trade restrictions brought about by Britain's ongoing war with France, British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion, outrage over insults to national honour after humiliations on the high seas and possible American desire to annex Canada. -
"36 30"
Under the provisions of the Compromise of 1820, Maine is admitted as a free state and Missouri as a slave state and slavery is excluded from the northern half of the Louisiana Purchase. -
Education Reform- Horace Mann
Horace Mann was the key contributor to the education reform movement. He called for a free education with no more small school rooms, he wanted bigger schools with educated teachers where everyone was welcome. -
Religious Movements
Mormons--Organized by Joseph Smith in 1830 with himself as the Prophet. Because of persecution, Smith and his followers moved from New York to Ohio to Missouri to Illinois, where he was murdered by opponents. Succeeded by Brigham Young, who led migration to Utah. -
Railroads made it easy and fast to transfer supplies and troops to the battlefeild. It was a great tactical advantage that assisted in the victory for the North. Along with the troops, railroads made westward expansion a common goal for many people. -
William Lloyd Garrison
William Lloyd Garrison begins publishing the militant antislavery newspaper The Liberator. On the first page of the first issue, Garrison defiantly declared: “I will not equivocate—I will not excuse—and I will not retreat a single inch—AND I WILL BE HEARD. -
Prison Reform - Dorthea Dix
Dorthea Dix opened an eye into the prisons and asylums in America. She helped inmates of asylums with talk therapy, and other therapies. -
Nat Turner
A slave names Nat Turner led a rebellion with about 70 slaves and killed 50 white men, woman, and children. -
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny is the belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable and a God given right. -
The South Secedes
The South Secedes from the North, becoming its own country. The eleven states become the Confederate States of America -
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president of America. -
Emancipation Proclamation
A document ordered by Abraham, It proclaimed the freedom of slaves in the ten states that are in rebellion. The Proclamation did not compensate the owners, did not itself outlaw slavery, and did not make the ex-slaves citizens. -
The Telegraph is widely used during the Civial War by Abraham Lincoln to communicate directly to his generals, in order to give orders and recieve live updates of the battle. -
The Thirteenth Amendment
The Thirteenth Amendment, passed in January of 1865, was implemented. It abolished slavery in the United States, and now, with the end of the war, four million African Americans were free. -
End of the Civil War
The Civil War ended with the surrender of the Confederate Army.
617,000 soldiers died in the war, and the Southern economy and land was in ruins. -
Ku Klux Klan
Radical memebers of the South and some from the North gathered together under a common belief, racism. The adornd white wrobes with white hoods. They performed slaughters of black people, and their families. -
14 Amendment
Its Due Process Clause prohibits state and local governments from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without certain steps being taken to ensure fairness. -
15 Amendment
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.