Irvin Life Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Chandler, AZ. I was given the name Irvin Rene Medrano Chacon that day. I had 2 sisters which one was 10 years older than me and the other was 9 years older than me.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    It was my first day at school as a kindergartner. I actually still remember how it was. My teacher was very tall and really nice. We got to take naps and got to draw pictures. Our recess was in front of the class where we had tricycles.
  • Vacation in Mexico

    Vacation in Mexico
    I was still very little but i remember going to my family home town and spending the entire summer break their. it was really fun because we road in 4 wheeler and went hunting
  • California

    My family and I went to California as a vacation. It was my first time ever going to California, and it was beautiful. We went to the beach and went to Hollywood. We also went to Universal Studios
  • First day of Junior High

    First day of Junior High
    I was very nervous that day entering a school that didn't have recess and kids were starting to look like adults. I had 6 teachers rather then just 1 all year. I thought that was very strange.
  • First day of High school

    First day of High school
    It was pretty strange seeing adults walking around as students. Some with beards, others drove their own cars. The seniors looked pretty intimidating. Classes weren't that much different from Junior High classes.
  • Moving to Colorado

    Moving to Colorado
    Sophomore Year of high school, I had moved to Colorado for a year with my father. I had a great time seeing snow fall for the first time and school closing because of the snow. I saw the rocky mountains and also went to Aspen, CO. Colorado was a very beautiful State.
  • Moving Back To Arizona

    Moving Back To Arizona
    I had moved back from being with my father in Colorado. I started junior year here after spending sophomore year in Colorado. Junior year was pretty fun being back.
  • First Car

    First Car
    It was a 1994 Honda civic Hatchback. It was a manual transmission with everything super intact. I had bought it for $2700 from a private owned dealership. I still have that car till this day with modifications added to it.
  • Senior year

    Senior year
    Senior year has just started for me. I still couldn't believe how fast it went. When i was a freshman, I thought senior year would never come. Now that it is Senior year, I'm trying my hardest to graduate.