220px island of ireland relief location map

Ireland History - Past and Present

  • 1541

    Henry 8, proclaimed King of Ireland

    Henry 8, proclaimed King of Ireland
    Ireland had been a part of the British empire since Henry 8. was proclaimed King of Ireland in 1541.
  • Decisive battle for the throne of England between King James 2. of England and his son-in-law William of Orange

    Decisive battle for the throne of England between King James 2. of England and his son-in-law William of Orange
    The Battle of the Boyne, was fought in Ireland King James 2. the head of a Catholic army and William of Orange at the head of the Protestant army
  • The Kingdom of Ireland joined the UK

    The Kingdom of Ireland joined the UK
    The Kingdom of Ireland joined a Union consisting of Scotland, England and Wales, named the United Kingdom - UK
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Irish soldiers fought on the british side.
  • Easter Rebellion

    Easter Rebellion
    The rebellion was crushed, and some of the most important leaders executed.
  • William Butler Yeats: Easter 1916

    William Butler Yeats: Easter 1916
    Easter, 1916 is a poem by W. B. Yeats describing the poet's torn emotions regarding the events of the Easter Rising staged in Ireland against British rule on Easter Monday, April 24, 1916. The uprising was unsuccessful, and most of the Irish republican leaders involved were executed for treason. The poem was written between May and September 1916, but first published in 1921 in the collection Michael Robartes and the Dancer.
  • The Government of Ireland Act

    The Government of Ireland Act
    Divided Ireland in two separate political entities and both with self-government. The Ulster-protestants agreed, but the southern-catholics wanted full independency.
  • Creating the Irish Free State

    Creating the Irish Free State
    A period of civil war a treaty was signed in 1921 creating the Irish Free State from 23 southern countries and 3 countries in Ulster.
    The other 6 countries of Ulster became Northern Ireland, which remained part of the UK due the protestant and unionist history.
  • Independent republic.

    Independent republic.
    In 1949 the Irish Free State became an inderpendent republic and England didn´t have any power over Ireland.
  • Marita Conlon-McKenna: Good Girl

    Marita Conlon-McKenna: Good Girl
    English short story about "Good Girl", which takes place in Northern Ireland. It is about the strife between Protestants and Catholics.
  • Eamon De Valera: Speech on the 50th Anniversary of the Easter Rebellion

    Eamon De Valera: Speech on the 50th Anniversary of the Easter Rebellion
    The Easter Rebellion, April 1916. The Rising was launched by Irish republicans to end British rule in Ireland and establish an independent Irish Republic while the United Kingdom was fighting the First World War. It was the most significant uprising in Ireland since the rebellion of 1798. 16 of the Rising's leaders were executed in May 1916, but the insurrection, and subsequent political developments ultimately contributed to an increase in popular support for Irish independence.
  • Bernard MacLaverty: Cal

    Bernard MacLaverty: Cal
    The Northern Ireland of the 1980’s, the story of a young Catholic man living in a Protestant area. For Cal, some choices are devastatingly simple: he can work in an abattoir that nauseates him or join the dole queue; he can brood on his past or plan a future with Marcella.
    Springing out of the fear and violence of Ulster, Cal is a haunting love story that unfolds in a land where tenderness and innocence can only flicker briefly in the dark
  • Netflix: Derry Girls, S01E01 + E02

    Netflix: Derry Girls, S01E01 + E02
    Erin, her cousin Orla, their friends Clare and Michelle, and Michelle's English cousin James navigate their teen years during the end of the Troubles in Derry, where they all attend a Catholic girls' secondary school. James is Michelle's cousin; his mother Cathy left Derry for England to have an abortion but gave birth to him and raised him in London. She sends him back to Derry to live with Michelle and her mother Deirdre when she is going through a divorce.